UNCENSORED- JOEY DIAZ, Comedian, “My Name is Earl” Actor. (Born: Havana) *** Joey Diaz, Comediante, Actor. -Sin Censura- (Nacido en La Habana)


Joey “CoCo” Diaz is a Cuban-American stand-up comedian and actor known for his recurring role as Joey on the TV series My Name is Earl, as well as in movies such as The Longest Yard and Taxi.


José Antonio Diaz was born in 1963 in Cuba, and raised in North Bergen, New Jersey. He lost his parents at age 15, and was taken in by a series of North Bergen families, including two police officers named Robert Bender and Carmine Balzano, but frequent run-ins with the law, including his involvement in fights, kept him moving among a total of four families. Diaz says a total of 20 Italian and Irish families attempted to assist him, such as local funeral home owner Anthony Vanieri. Diaz explains that their sense of humor greatly influenced his own career,[3] which had its earliest beginnings as a student in North Bergen High School.

Diaz left North Bergen for the University of Colorado at Boulder on June 1, 1985, but his academic life was interrupted when he was arrested for kidnapping and aggravated robbery, for which he served time in prison. His standup comedy career began in prison, where he gained popularity by improvising material in front of Thursday night Movie Night audiences after the projector malfunctioned.


After he was released from prison, Diaz moved to Seattle, where he began performing in front of open mic audiences.In 1996 he moved to Los Angeles. After his career spread to other venues, he accepted an offer from a CBS talent scout to work on a television pilot. Although the series was not purchased, the visibility it gave him helped his career, garnering him appearances on the television show Law & Order and in films including Spider-Man 2 and the 2004 film Taxi. His most visible role was in the 2005 film The Longest Yard and as a prison convict named Joey the Candy Bar Criminal, a part he played in four 2007 episodes of My Name is Earl, and which he obtained on the basis of his own past in prison. That same year he also appeared as “Joey Karate”, doing humorous promotions for the Ultimate Fighting Championship in California, clips of which can be found on YouTube.

His subsequent roles include the 2009 TV movie The Dog Who Saved Christmas, and 2011 appearances in “Scarlet Ribbons”, an episode of The Mentalist and the film Bucky Larson: Born to Be a Star.

Diaz is also a frequent guest on The Joe Rogan Experience podcast, and former co-host of a weekly podcast with Felicia Michaels named Beauty and Da Beast.

In 2010, Diaz made an appearance with Joe Rogan on The Alex Jones Show.

As of 2011, Diaz was working on a documentary chronicling his life in North Bergen, and how he was influenced by the various people who took care of him following his parents’ death, to whom the film is made in tribute.

As of September 2012, Diaz hosts a bi-weekly morning video podcast called “The Church Of What’s Happening Now”.

In 2013, he had a role in the movie Grudge Match seen alongside Robert De Niro as his coach.

In Season 2 Episode 12 of Maron (TV series), Diaz guest starred as a semi-fictionalized version of himself.


Charity work

Diaz has performed his standup in his hometown of North Bergen for charity. On November 4, 2007, he made an appearance to help raise money for North Bergen High School basketball team uniforms.

Personal life

Diaz lives in Los Angeles, but still keeps in touch with his loved ones in North Bergen, whom he regards as his family.

Film and television appearances

Maron (2014) – Bobby Mendez
The Dog Who Saved Easter (2014) – Stewey McMann
Grudge Match (2013)
Brooklyn Nine-Nine (2013) – Sal (as Joey ‘Coco’ Diaz)
The Dog Who Saved The Hollidays (2012) – Stewey McMann
Kickin’ It “We Are Family” (2012) TV Episode …. Meatball King (as Joey Coco Diaz)
The Dog Who Saved Halloween (2011) – Stewey McMann
Bucky Larson: Born to Be a Star
My Dog’s Christmas Miracle(2010) …. TSA Officer
Stonerville (video) (2011) …. Johnny Scarano
The Dog Who Saved Christmas Vacation (2010) – Stewey McMann
The Russian (video short) (2010) …. Frank
Stacy’s Mom (video) (2010) …. Frankie the Teach (as Joey ‘Coco’ Diaz)
The Dog Who Saved Christmas (2009)- Stewey McMann (as Joey Coco Diaz)
The Deported (2009) …. Sheriff
Redemption (film short) (2009) …. Ritchie
My Life at 26 (TV movie) (2008) …. Paxon
Boiler Maker (video) (2008) …. Enzo
Wizards of Waverly Place (TV series) (2008) “The Supernatural” …. Newsstand Guy (as Joey ‘Coco’ Diaz)
One Hogan Place (TV movie) (2008) …. Vinnie Books
The Dark Knight (2008) Special Features…. Restaurant owner
Frank TV (2007) “Ballpark Frank” (2007) …. Defendant
My Name Is Earl (2007) …. Joey the prisoner (as Joey ‘Coco’ Diaz) (3 Episodes)
“Our Other Cops Is On!: Part 1” (2007)
“Our Other Cops Is On!: Part 2” (2007)
“My Name Is Inmate #28301-016: Part 1” (2007)
White Pants (video short) (2007) …. Coach Larkin
Alive N’ Kickin’ (TV movie) (2007) …. Joey
Murder 101: College Can Be Murder (2007) …. Herbie Saxe
“Smiley Face” (2007) …. Security Guard
“My Life at 26′ Shortoon” (video short) (2007) …. voice
Everybody hates Chris “Everybody Hates Promises” (2006) …. Restaurant owner
How I Met Your Mother Where Were We?” (2006) … Angry New Yorker
18 Fingers of Death! (2006) …. Sammy Delassandro
A Fine Line (2006) …. Bruno Scalise
The Longest Yard (2005) …. Anthony “Big Tony” Cobianco
Accidentally on Purpose (film) (2005) …. Geraldo
Break a Leg (2005) …. Large Producer
Endings (2005)
The Mafia Type (2004) …. Big Al
Taxi (2004) …. Freddy (as Joey Coco Diaz)
Spider-Man 2 (2004) …. Train Passenger (as Joey Coco Diaz)
Back by Midnight (2004) …. Jojo (as Joey ‘Coco’ Diaz)
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit “Criminal” (2004) …. Elijah Coney
Cold Case “Disco Inferno (2004) …. Ken Mazzacone (as Joey ‘Coco’ Diaz)
ER “The Greater Good” (2003)…. Grocery Store Clerk
Karen Sisco “Dear Derwood…” (2003) …. Paulie
Dickie Roberts: Former Child Star (2003) …. Emmanuel’s Entourage
“The Mezzos” (short) (2003) …. Joey Mezzo
Analyze That (2002)…. Ducks
Another Bobby O’Hara Story (2002) …. Tommy Brando
“Death by Cycle” (2002) …. Manny Mankiewicz
“Women vs. Men” (2002) (TV) …. Goon
The Jamie Kennedy Experiment (2002)….Pizza Deliver Bodyguard (as Joey ‘Coco’ Diaz)
American Gun (2002) …. Gun Smuggler
You Got Nothin’ (2002) …. Charlie
Back by Midnight (2002) …. Jojo
BASEketball (1998) …. Referee
Mad TV (????) Sopranos parody



You Can’t Eat Pussy With Asthma (2013)
Testicle Testaments 5: Crimes Against Myself (2013)
Testicle Testaments 4: How I Got Into Comedy (2013)
The Blue Album (2013)
Testicle Testaments 3: The Person Who Made Me A Man (2012)
Testicle Testaments 2: Crime Stories (2012)
Testicle Testaments 1: The Worst & Best Day Of My Life (2012)
It’s Either You or The Priest (2012)
Live at the 3 Clubs in Hollywood (2011)


1st Amendment Stand Up (TV series) “Joey Diaz/Melanie Comarcho/Lavell Crawford” (2007) (writer)
BET’s ComicView “ComicView: New Orleans Party Gras” (2000) (writer)


Where I Got My Balls From (Documentary) (2012) …. Himself
Inside MMA “Episode #2.17” (2008) … Guest[8]
The Payaso Comedy Slam (TV movie) (2007) …. Himself
1st Amendment Stand Up (TV series) “Joey Diaz/Melanie Comarcho/Lavell Crawford” (2007) …. Himself – Comedian
Inside Joke (TV series) (2004) …. Himself
National Lampoon Live: New Faces
The History of Choking (documentary short) (2002) …. Himself
BET’s Comicview “ComicView: New Orleans Party Gras” (2000) …. Himself – Comedian (as Coco).

-Cuba Hoy- Today.
The Cuban History, HOLLYWOOD.
Arnoldo Varona, Editor.

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Joey “CoCo” Díaz es un comediante y actor cubano-americana ante el publico en vivo, y conocido por su papel recurrente como Joey en la serie de televisión My Name is Earl, así como en películas como The Longest Yard y Taxi.

José Antonio Díaz nació en 1963 en Cuba, y creció en North Bergen, Nueva Jersey. Él perdió a sus padres a los 15 años, y fue recogida por una serie de familias de North Bergen, incluyendo dos policías nombrados Robert Bender y Carmine Balzano, pero frecuentes encontronazos con la ley, incluyendo su participación en peleas, lo mantuvo en movimiento entre un total de cuatro familias. Díaz dice que un total de 20 familias italianas e irlandesas intentó ayudarlo, como propietario de la casa funeraria local Anthony Vanieri. Díaz explica que su sentido del humor influenció grandemente su propia carrera, que tuvo sus inicios como estudiante en North Bergen Secundaria.


Díaz dejó North Bergen para la Universidad de Colorado en Boulder el 1 de junio de 1985, pero su vida académica fue interrumpida cuando fue arrestado por secuestro y robo agravado, por el que cumplió condena en prisión. Su carrera de comedia standup comenzó en la cárcel, donde ganó popularidad por el material improvisando frente a audiencias jueves por la noche después de la noche de película del proyector funciona mal.

Después de ser liberado de la cárcel, Díaz se trasladó a Seattle, donde comenzó a actuar delante de micrófono abierto audiences.In 1996 se mudó a Los Ángeles. Después de su carrera se extendió a otros lugares, aceptó una oferta de un cazatalentos de CBS para trabajar en un piloto de televisión. Aunque la serie no fue comprado, la visibilidad que le dio ayudó a su carrera, que le valió apariciones en el programa de televisión Law & Order y en películas como Spider-Man 2 y la película Taxi 2004. Su papel más visible fue en la película de 2005 The Longest Yard y como un convicto prisión llamado Joey el Candy Bar Penal, una parte que jugó en cuatro episodios de 2007 Me llamo Earl, y que obtuvo sobre la base de su propio pasado en prisión. Ese mismo año también apareció como “Joey Karate”, haciendo promociones buen humor para el Ultimate Fighting Championship en California, videoclips de los cuales se pueden encontrar en YouTube.

Sus papeles posteriores incluyen la película de 2009 de televisión El perro que salvó la Navidad, y 2.011 apariciones en “Scarlet Ribbons”, un episodio de The Mentalist y la película Bucky Larson: Nacido para ser una estrella.

Díaz es también un invitado frecuente en la experiencia de podcast Joe Rogan, y el ex co-anfitrión de un podcast semanal con Felicia Michaels nombrado Belleza y Da Bestia.

En 2010, Díaz hizo una aparición con Joe Rogan en The Alex Jones Show.

A partir de 2011, Díaz estaba trabajando en un documental que relata su vida en North Bergen, y cómo él fue influenciado por las diferentes personas que cuidaban de él después de la muerte de sus padres, a los que la película se hizo en homenaje.


A partir de septiembre de 2012, Díaz alberga un podcast de vídeo mañana bi-semanal llamado “La Iglesia de lo que sucede ahora”.

En 2013, tuvo un papel en la película Grudge Match visto junto a Robert De Niro como su entrenador.

En la Temporada 2 Episodio 12 de Maron (serie de televisión), Díaz fue estrella invitada como una versión semi-ficticia de sí mismo.

Trabajo de la caridad

Díaz ha realizado su standup en su ciudad natal de North Bergen para la caridad. El 4 de noviembre de 2007, que hizo acto de presencia para ayudar a recaudar dinero para la Escuela Secundaria North Bergen uniformes del equipo de baloncesto.


Vida personal

Díaz vive en Los Ángeles, pero aún se mantiene en contacto con sus seres queridos en North Bergen, a quien considera como su familia.

(Films and TV Appearances, Discography, etc.. see above in the English Version)

-Cuba Hoy- Today.
The Cuban History, HOLLYWOOD.
Arnoldo Varona, Editor.

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