Havana, Cuba, November 10, 2011 (Aleaga Pesant, PD / www.cubanet.org)-The Cuban Government plans to open a channel of information 24 hours of service on January of 2012, said officials aware of the Cuban Institute of Radio and television (ICRT) and the Cuban Association of social communicators (ACCS), during the discussion sessions for the delivery of the Advertising Award ‘Ceiba de la Habana’; the most important Prize of advertising and communication that is awarded at the island.
According to sources, the 24-hour news will be mounted with the support of the 2 educational channels, one of the five Cuban television with national coverage. The Government informational design prevents the reception of foreign television and tenaciously chases citizens who find mechanisms to connect with the outside world through the parabolic antennas.
According to sources, the information channel will transmit information all day long throughout chained with news of the morning, noon and the stellar (overnight), as well as the Sunday and closing (at midnight). To obtain information material using as a main source channel TeleSur, which is ownership as co-ownership of the Governments of Cuba and Venezuela (the largest shareholder), Ecuador, Argentina, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Paraguay and Uruguay.
Since late 2007, the educational channel 2, transmits at night for two hours with selected and highly censored material of Telesur. The program is called the best of Telesur, and an hour of this space fills the program Dossier directed and led by Chavez journalist Walter Martínez.
24-Hour news channels started with CNN (Cable News Network, in English) in 1980, created by Ted Turner, who, it is said, claimed to have taken the idea of the Cuban radio station Radio Reloj, founded in 1947, that broadcast news 24 hours and that it was founded in 1947.
Sources: CubaNet/Pesant/TheCubanHistory.com