Spanish-American War 2/8 (Video) Commentaries

Teddy Roosevelt charging up the San Juan Heights, the Rough Riders and the sinking of the battleship, the U.S.S. Maine—these are what people commonly know about the United States’ war with Spain in 1898. What they may not remember is that this was the war that steered the United States to center stage as a world power. Victorious over Spain in Cuba and the Philippines, the United States, a nation founded in opposition to imperialism, grappled with its new role as an imperial power. More recent events in Vietnam, Somalia, and Yugoslavia bear striking parallels to those of 1898. Even in its own time, the war with Spain was understood as a turning point in American history.


Look at Cuba now blockade cuz they wanted real freedom not being USA puppets.
Im from Puerto Rico colony of USA the great savor and is a shit hole the biggest bullshit ever.

I may be wrong, but in my opinion, the main reason Puerto Rico is such a shit hole is because of its people’s lack of virtue and good will. I’m sorry to tell it to you like it is but that’s just the way it is. I know Puerto Ricans from Orlando who bash Boricuas like that, especially the batch from The Bronx – the same ones that are abundant in the island and contribute to the shit hole that it is. I’m not basing boricuas. I love Puerto Rico but you need to “get real”.
gusanomarielito in reply to ClassicGamerPR

I agree, thats a bit true. The main problem is education like cuban revolution use to said we need educated ppl cuz dumb ppl are ez to scam. Now what you expect from a child that you tell him that you cant do it, cuz you are lazy pr from childhood? that kid is going to growth believing that. Our own government always said we cant do it without the americans ive being heard that shit since kid, same thing from my fathers oh you cant do it. Im studying civil engineer im doing it.
ClassicGamerPR in reply to gusanomarielito

Sources: CrucibleofEmpire/YouTube/
CrucibleofEmpire/The Cuban History/ Arnoldo Varona, Editor

