‘Black Eagle’, famous Cuban Swindler * ‘Águila Negra’, famoso estafador.

José Roque Ramirez was born on August 16, 1888, in the town of Tacajó, Holguin Province, is the character we’ll be talking about today and who eventually became the famous con artist known internationally as “The Black Eagle” who left its millionaire mark on several continents.

He worked the land without success and was still very young when, in the city of Guantanamo, began in the criminal life: passing counterfeit $20 dollars, there wasn’t still the Cuban currency. They discovered him, but was able to evade the police action, in Boca de Sama, where he sought refuge. For three years, remained quiet and forgotten until they wanted to go to his hometown to see how things were going. He threw down the gauntlet and, with a sentence of 12 years in prison, went to the Eastern Provincial Jail, then located in Marina Street number 12 in Santiago de Cuba.

It is in that penal institution which engages with the Murcielago, a name Leonardo Tejeda Cadiz Legon gets 30 years for the death of her lover. Sympathetic, play cards and talk for hours. The old man warned criminal intelligence and audacity of the beardless youth and taught him all possible cheating in card games and instructed him in the difficult art of deceiving others. The boy is smart and knows Tejeda both old as hell. Soon fall into the mouths of other prisoners and comments grow when one realizes that the life of the elderly Roque Ramirez and improving daily. You do not eat the ranch loathsome prison, but do bring food from outside, enjoy good cigars and no shortage of alcoholic beverages that custodians, condescending, let them pass.

Shortly before his death, The Bat declared him his heir and gave him as the only legacy, a thick leather belt. ‘Take care, good skin is’ said to deliver. The skin, however good it was, could not weigh much and warned that the Eagle was heavy sash. I could not be otherwise, because it kept in its double lining, dozens and dozens of gold coins.

Since then The Black Eagle started to do his thing. In letters released from prison Santiago realizes rich men from other areas of a large treasure whose secret hiding an officer kept in jail. It took a lot of money to get him out of jail, but instead the officer as soon be in the street, was willing to share his fortune with those who help. The letters are written on stationery of Dr. Jose Roque Ramirez, a lawyer residing at No. 12 Marina, the direction of the prison.

As days passed by he took pen and paper and wrote poignant texts aimed at obtaining a pardon. One such letter, sent to the wife of a minister of President Menocal, hit the target. The lady pleaded in his favor and awarded him freedom.

Traps that taught him so well let you leave the Bat winner as part card game. In Sagua la Grande, in one sitting, collects 5 000 pesos, and 6 000 in Ciego de Avila. But he wants to see the world. The Mexican port of Veracruz will be your destination. Hence, elegant and well-mannered, well dressed and with an easy and pleasant conversation, will take the trips, provided in luxurious cabins, which will take you to Barcelona, ​​London, Manila, Shanghai, California, Buenos Aires …

In Canada she swipe a quarter million dollars to an elderly woman who had sworn eternal love. In French Guiana, plays cards with the Governor General of the colony and strips him of several thousand dollars. In the Pampa Argentina dazzles employers and laborers. He calls Belisario Roldán and is a rich oil tycoon Tampico. The beats all its verb talkative, his warmth, his kindness. Is shown as a wealthy and generous gentleman who knows how to make fantastic gifts to the rich and surprise those who served with unexpected tips. At Bahia Blanca, also in Argentina, acquires thoroughbred horses and over a thousand bulls destined for its experimental farm in Mexico, and slips away before paying. It leaves the Argentina without defrauding a jeweler important Buenos Aires for more than 60 000 dollars.

Among the legend that surrounds him is that miraculously saved his life when he threw a bullfighter mocked the sea from an ocean liner in an area infested with sharks, and China was fought in tablets of the fury of a landlord who swindled so customary and then to make him beat propinaran huge, sentenced him to work as slaves in their paddy fields for the rest of his days.

In the Haitian city of Port au Prince is presented as a Mexican diplomat interested in acquiring, on instructions from his government, large amounts of coffee. It is now Mr. Castanon and put on your peephole to a French farmer based in the island, Mr. Berard, old, cantankerous, selfish and ambitious. She buys all a load of grain, which does not pay, but it reaches its destination, in Veracruz. Then he offered $ 100 000 for possession and tells you why. She has discovered in a burial of gold bars. No French access to the sale, but is willing to share the profits with the Cuban. Search Roque Ramirez a metal detector, operates the device, receive their signals and dig. Fifty ingot out of the ground. Roque Scratch one and Berard, shaken, picks limallas then analyze a jeweler. No doubt about it: it is pure gold.

Since no one would buy it in Haiti, Castanon gives a vote of confidence in French and urges him to travel to New York, where the House of Morgan has emerged as a sure buyer. He asks a favor, which anticipates $ 30 000 to undertake a business not provided for in its budget. Berard gladly give money and invites the Cuban installed in your home until you return. In New York the fiasco was complete. They were the 49 bronze ingots bearing. The one who was pure gold had been held by the Black Eagle, who asked to keep as a souvenir.


After the blow to the landowner M. Berard, in Haiti returns back to their homeland. It was February 1937 when a gentleman of very good carriage, accompanied by no less elegant secretary, butler and chauffeur, with lots of luggage and hats, was staying at the luxurious Hotel Nacional and was recorded as José Maria Ramirez Alvarez, dealer Mexico. Alli rubs shoulders with the best of society, giving wonderful tips, we know that is a corporation founded for the purpose of establishing bullfights and agency land near Infanta and San Lazaro, but not minced, then involves several magnates in the fraudulent construction of a racetrack, which also turned out positive. Later manages to befriend the feared police chief Colonel Jose Eleuterio Pedraza Cabrera, who began studying psychologically, to make his next victim.

Between drinks at the best places in the capital, the cunning rogue scammer convinces the colonel to be associated with the construction of a racetrack that would leave a profit of one million pesos a year.

Pedraza is shady, but says not having that much money, Roque expresses its interest in him as a partner, given its position in government, and gives a period of twenty days to get 50,000 pesos and associate it anyway, what the clever police chief agrees willingly.

Pedraza Roque cited the police station to inform you that the next day will have the 50,000 pesos agreed, but on leaving the crook of the newly opened Castle of Cuba and Chacon to take his fancy car, crossed with two agents of the Judicial Police and one recognizes him as the Black Eagle.

Informed the head of the National Police who was truly his alleged partner, after an attack of cholera, sent to arrest the Mexican case the Hotel Nacional, where to the astonishment of all present was handcuffed and placed in a police car , while his accomplices fled down the stairs.

Jose Roque Ramirez, the Black Eagle, was sentenced two years imprisonment in the Castle of the Prince, and pardoned the nine months.

In 1943 he returned to Mexico and settled in his luxurious residence of Chapultepec. Take this time, due to their scams, get a $ 270 000. Two Cuban police, Jacinto Torres and Luis Hernández Nodarse Catá, follow the steps. Cuban justice demands it and its requirements as Mexico police stop more than ten times. Roque Ramirez spends fortune on lawyers that slow and over the extradition until, by order of the Minister of the Interior, he is confined in prison Lecumberri.

Roque Ramirez claims his status as a Mexican citizen, but are false documents that is designed to support citizenship and Cuba demonstrates that there are two subjects with the same name, but one man with two personalities. The return is near and the Black Eagle instructs his wife to hire the services of Pavia gunman Franco, who, with his band, its trustees finalized the airport road. Nothing can do.

On the afternoon of August 5, 1944 Cattle Ranch reaches the plane Roque Ramirez brings to pass in the castle of Prince prison the longest season of his life. In 1953 the then president Fulgencio Batista, also born in the region of Roque, the pardons.

In 1967, Mexico, died at 80 years old, victim of a stroke, El Aguila Negra, the most amazing and clever cheaters, without the police of any country, knew where to put away his ill-gotten wealth.

Sources: Wiki/EcuRed/InternetPhotos-HabanaRadio/TheCubanHistory.com
El Aguila Negra: famoso Estafador Cubano/The Cuban History/Arnoldo Varona, Editor



El Águila Negra (José Roque Ramírez). Timador y estafador nacido en la localidad holguinera de Tacajó (el 16 de agosto de 1888), su verdadero nombre era José Roque Ramírez y llegó a convertirse en uno de los grandes estafadores internacionales de todos los tiempos, fue sin duda un sagaz timador y estafador que llegó a burlar a la policía de buena parte del mundo.

Desde muy joven trabajó la tierra sin éxito alguno, luego se traslada a la ciudad de Guantánamo, lugar este donde se inicia en la vida delincuencial, pasaba billetes falsos de 20 dólares; ya que en esa época no existía la moneda cubana, lo descubren, pero pudo evadir la acción policial escondiéndose en Boca de Samá, ya en este lugar su madre lo enseñó a leer y a escribir y allí, durante tres años, se mantuvo tranquilo y olvidado, es capturado cuando visita su pueblo natal para ver cómo andaban las cosas. Lo capturan y le imponen una condena de 12 años de privación de libertad, fue a parar a la Cárcel Provincial de Oriente, sita entonces en la calle Marina número 12, en Santiago de Cuba.

Es en ese establecimiento penal donde entabla relación con El Murciélago, un gaditano de nombre Leonardo Tejeda Legón, condenado a 30 años. Tejada se convierte en su maestro y le enseña todas las trampas posibles en los juegos de cartas y lo instruye en el difícil arte de engañar al prójimo. Poco antes de morir, El Murciélago lo declaró su heredero y le cedió, como único legado, un grueso cinturón de cuero el cual contaba en su doble forro, decenas y decenas de monedas de oro.

En la misma prisión El Águila Negra empieza ya a hacer de las suyas y orquesta una gran estafa la cual consistía en enviar cartas a hombres ricos de otras localidades de un cuantioso tesoro cuyo escondite guarda en secreto un oficial preso. Se necesitaba de mucho dinero para sacarlo de la cárcel, pero a cambio el oficial, tan pronto estuviera en la calle, estaba dispuesto a compartir su fortuna con los que lo ayudaran. Las cartas van escritas en el papel timbrado del doctor José Roque Ramírez, abogado con domicilio en Marina número 12, la misma dirección de la cárcel, tiempo después es descubierto por el juez municipal de Arroyo Blanco Pedro Roca, extrañado de no recibir aviso por los más de 3 000 pesos que invirtió en el negocio, tomó el tren con destino a Santiago. Dos años más vinieron a sumarse a su condena .

No cumple su condena al ser indultado por el presidente Mario García Menocal a causa de una carta que El Águila Negra remitió a la esposa de un ministro del presidente Menocal.

Ya en libertad pone en práctica todo lo aprendido con el El Murciélago lo cual le permiten salir vencedor en cuanto juego de naipes participa. En Sagua la Grande, de una sola sentada, acopia 5 000 pesos, y 6 000 en Ciego de Ávila.

Parte a conocer el mundo y el puerto mexicano de Veracruz será su destino. De ahí, elegante y con buenos modales, bien vestido y con una conversación fácil y amena, emprenderá las travesías, siempre en camarotes de lujo, que lo llevarán a Barcelona, Londres, Manila, Shanghái, California, Buenos Aires y varios países más. En todos estos países comete sus fechorías y estafas. En Canadá le birla un cuarto de millón de dólares a una anciana a la que había jurado amor eterno. En la Guayana francesa juega a las cartas con el Gobernador General de la colonia y lo despoja de varios miles de dólares. En la Pampa, Argentina deslumbra a patrones y peones. Se hace llamar Belisario Roldán y es un rico magnate petrolero de Tampico. Los gana a todos con su verbo locuaz, su cordialidad, su gentileza. Se muestra como un caballero opulento y generoso que sabe hacer regalos fantásticos a los ricos y sorprender a los que lo sirven con propinas insospechadas. En Bahía Blanca, también en la Argentina, adquiere caballos de pura sangre y más de mil toros con destino a su granja experimental, en México, y se escabulle antes de pagarlos. No se marcha de la Argentina sin estafar a un importante joyero bonaerense por más de 60 000 dólares.

En la ciudad haitiana de Puerto Príncipe se presenta como un diplomático mexicano interesado en adquirir, por instrucciones de su gobierno, grandes cantidades de café. Es ahora el señor Castañón y pone en su mirilla a un caficultor francés radicado en la isla, el señor Berard, viejo, arisco, egoísta y ambicioso. Le compra todo un cargamento del grano, que no le paga, pero que llega a su destino, en Veracruz. Enseguida le ofrece 100 000 dólares por su posesión y le explica el motivo. Ha descubierto en ella un entierro de barras de oro. No accede el francés a la venta, pero está dispuesto a compartir las ganancias con el cubano. Busca Roque Ramírez un detector de metales, opera el aparato, perciben sus señales y excavan. Cincuenta lingotes salen de la tierra. Raspa Roque uno de ellos y Berard, estremecido, recoge las limallas que luego analizará un joyero. No hay duda posible: es oro puro.

Como nadie en Haití lo compraría, Castañón otorga un voto de confianza al francés y lo insta a que viaje a Nueva York, donde la Casa Morgan se perfila como un comprador seguro. Le pide un favor, que le anticipe 30 000 dólares para emprender cierto negocio no previsto en su presupuesto. Da Berard gustoso el dinero e invita al cubano a que se instale en su residencia hasta que regrese. En Nueva York el fiasco fue total. Eran de bronce los 49 lingotes que llevaba. El que sí era de oro puro había quedado en poder de El Águila Negra, que pidió conservarlo como recuerdo.

El intento de estafar al Coronel Pedraza, el cual fracasa al ser reconocido por un oficial del ejército le costó a El Águila Negra dos años de cárcel, sale de la cárcel debido a la anmistía general concedida por Fulgencio Batista.

En 1943 regresa a México y se instala en su lujosa residencia de Chapultepec. Lleva esa vez, producto de sus estafas, unos 270 mil dólares consigo. Dos policías cubanos, Jacinto Hernández Nodarse y Luis Torres Catá, le siguen los pasos. La justicia cubana lo reclama y a sus requerimientos la policía de México lo detiene en más de diez ocasiones. Gasta Roque Ramírez una fortuna en abogados que retardan una y otra vez la extradición hasta que, por orden del Ministro de Gobernación, lo confinan en la prisión de Lecumberri. Alega Roque Ramírez su condición de ciudadano mexicano, pero son falsos los documentos con que pretende avalar su ciudadanía y Cuba demuestra que no se trata de dos sujetos con el mismo nombre, sino de un solo hombre con dos personalidades.

Llega a Cuba producto de su extradición el 6 de agosto de 1944 y sentenciado a una larga condena, la cual no cumple en su totalidad y sale de prisión en el año 1954, producto de la gestión de un oficial del ejército de Batista el cual intercede por su persona y logra su indulto.

Se traslada a México con toda su familia a pasar sus últimos años. Fallece en el año 1967 víctima de un derrame cerebral.

Sources: Wiki/Varios/InternetPhotos-HabanaRadio/TheCubanHistory.com
El Aguila Negra: El mas famoso Estafador Cubano/TheCubanHistory.com


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