History of CubaFernando ALBUERNE, Singer (Videos) * Fernando Albuerne, Cantante.

Luis Fernando Albuerne Garcell was born on October 28, 1920 in Sagua de Tánamo, Oriente Province, 50 km north of Guantanamo, Cuba, and was graduated in Agricultural Engineering at the University of Havana. He began working in the production of for the company Albuerne Soap owned by his father. Even though it lacked musical knowledge was totally enthusiastic about singing, and was consolidating its voice and style at family and among his fellow students. He developed from a performer of Cuban songs into one of the great vocal interpreters of Spanish material in general.

He performed and recorded throughout the Spanish-speaking world and at times lived in Caracas, Venezuela, as well as Cuba and eventually Tampa, FL. No one who knew Albuerne as a young man would have predicted that he would create stacks of recordings standing as high as sugar cane stalks; in fact, it might have seemed more likely that he would wind up having something to do with growing the sugar cane itself. His degree from Havana University was in agricultural engineering, and following school he went to work in the clean and safe world of soap production. Perhaps he spent more time in the shower than usual, doing quality control research on the soap, and thus had more time to practice his singing.

Early in his twenties, however, Albuerne switched course from the business world to an exclusive contract with Radio Cadena. By the late ’40s he was in demand for performances in theaters and cabarets as well as on television. He began touring Latin America; in 1953, Albuerne triumphed on stages in European capitals such as Madrid, Lisbon, and Paris. Albuerne is near the top of any alphabetical list of Cuban performers who fled the regime of Fidel Castro when the ink was still drying on 1960 calendars.


His subsequent residency in Caracas further sharpened his image as a Latin performer with a global outlook. The Rodven label has released a series of albums under Albuerne’s name, including the both romantic and informative Historia de Amor. Taken as a whole, the Albuerne discography represents a superb collection of Cuban and Mexican songs. He died in Miami in 2000.

Sources: Music Guide/Chadbourne/InternetPhotos/youtube/www.thecubanhistory.com
Fernando Albuerne, Singer/ Arnoldo Varona, Editor


Luis Fernando Albuerne Garcell nació el 28 de Octubre de 1920 en Sagua de Tánamo, en la provincia de Oriente, 50 km al norte de Guantánamo.

Se graduó muy joven de Ingeniero Agrónomo en la Universidad de La Habana.

Comenzó a trabajar en la producción de perfumes para la empresa Jabón Albuerne, propiedad de su padre. Aun cuando carecía completamente de conocimientos musicales tenía entusiasmo por el canto, y fue consolidando su voz y su estilo en reuniones familiares y entre sus compañeros de estudios.

En 1941 se presentó en Radio Cadena Suaritos para averiguar cuanto debía pagar por grabar un disco, pero cuando escucharon la pureza de su voz de tenor fue inmediatamernte contratado como artista exclusivo a tres dólares por programa.

Debutó en Noviembre de ese año interpretando “Ven Amor”, tema compuesto por un compañero de trabajo, acompañado por la orquesta del pianista Santos Menéndez. Para 1945 su sueldo era de 1.000 dólares mensuales, uno de los más altos que se abonaban en la isla a un solista. Permaneció ligado a Radio Suaritos hasta 1954.


Desde 1947 realizó continuas giras por toda América. Ese año llegó por primera vez a Argentina, donde su éxito fue inmediato. Su gran hit fue “Dicen que Tengo Celos”, que vendió más de un millón de ejemplares y le significó su primer disco de oro. En 1953 llegó a Europa, triunfando en España, Portugal y Francia. Después de la revolución castrista se radicó en Caracas, para luego afincarse definitivamente en Miami, donde puso fin a su carrera artística.

Falleció en Julio de 2000.

Sources: ServiceWeb/Chadbourne/InternetPhotos/youtube/www.thecubanhistory.com
Fernando Albuerne, Singer/ Arnoldo Varona, Editor


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