LETTERS from Cuba (05/8/2013) ** Cartas desde Cuba (Mayo 8,13).

I find out sadly that Cesar Portillo de la Luz has died. With him an epoch goes away. It leaves the filin that will exist in every lover and the romanticism of those who sang to the Cuban Night, not from the tribune but from the heart.

The Sergeant Mala Cara – this way they were saying to him age, like its songs, a trip to the happiness through sadness … there is no beautiful melody in which it is you who do not arise, I nor want to listen to it when I lack you … Painter of fat paintbrush, troubadour, dreamy, Marxist, in love, churlish, bad genioso, atravesao, it was the summary of its ground and the epoch through that he had him to live: Musicians’ island and revolutions.

To stop was born in 1922, in the warm quarter Querejeta, of Marianao, in poor hearth, it had come to the revolution for the intellect, without assaulting barracks. It grew in the discussion, in the contrapunteo, in the debate. There were times in which Jorge Mañach and Juan Marinello were maintaining in the press a controversy on the nation and then they were embracing each other. In that the friendship was on the political differences. In that the song was not a war weapon.

At the beginning of the 70, to Stop, with its guitar on the back, was cheering up the nights of the One-eyed Cat. I was the teller of the restaurant of the high places, and to Stop militant was rising, to have dinner to the kitchen and, between batch(series) and series of songs, we were speaking about how much was dividing us, and about the Cuba that was bringing us over. He was convinced in the revolution. I was going away of the country. But we were listening to ourselves. We respected ourselves.

He was protesting him of Ela O’farril, of how they shut it up in a dungeon of the G-2 for composing Farewell Happiness, almost I did not meet you, you went on indifferently accidentally not at all from me, innocent song of love that the political police considered to be as a dangerous anthem(hymn) to the disappointment … was defending itself, that there were extremist ones, unable to understand that the song expresses love or lack of affection that not at all have to do with the social thing.

I was always repeating to him that Olga Guillot, the Golden voice of ‘You in the distance’ and ‘Delirium’, practically was forced to leave; that the revolutionary offensive had closed the few cabarets remaining at the end of the 60’s led musicians roamed like zombies… And lowering the guard: “committed many errors, many”, responded. And who pays for them?, I stretched. And Cesar was silent with a silent accomplice…

The new sauce nervous their fastasmas. He had composed are Marvel, already so I want to steal, and even they want to change, until the footballer name… Don Quixote, the Buckler to the arm, Cesar undertook it, from the direction of UNEAC, against the Puerto-Rican salsa music, perhaps by chauvinism – this evil that infects the Cubans – because honestly, artist, never composed a hymn to the revolution as so many opportunists that end up in Miami.

Cesar Portillo de la Luz went to age 90. Leaves Cuba, music poems that have given around the world: with you in the distance, Cuban night, you mi delirio, reality and fantasy, song for a festival. To me, leaves me more: the example of a Cuban, who believed in socialism, but also humanity above ideologies, and who defended the friendship over political differences.

Letters from Cuba
The Cuban History, Arnoldo Varona, Editor

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Me entero con pesar que Cesar Portillo de la Luz ha muerto. Con él se va una época. Deja el filin que existirá en cada enamorado y el romanticismo de los que cantaron a la Noche Cubana, no desde la tribuna sino desde el corazón.

El Sargento Mala Cara –así le decían—era, como sus canciones, un viaje a la alegría a través de la tristeza… No hay bella melodía en que no surjas tú, ni yo quiero escucharla cuando me faltas tú… Pintor de brocha gorda, trovador, soñador, marxista, enamorado, arisco, mal genioso, atravesao, era el resumen de su tierra y la época que le tocó vivir: Isla de músicos y revoluciones.

Cesar nació en 1922, en el caliente barrio Querejeta, de Marianao, en hogar pobre, había llegado a la revolución por el intelecto, no asaltando cuarteles. Creció en la discusión, en el contrapunteo, en el debate. Eran tiempos en que Jorge Mañach y Juan Marinello mantenían en la prensa una controversia sobre la nación y luego se abrazaban. En que la amistad estaba sobre las diferencias políticas. En que la canción no era un arma de guerra.

A principios de los 70, Cesar, con su guitarra a cuestas, animaba las noches del Gato Tuerto. Yo era el cajero del restaurante de los altos, y Cesar militante subía, a cenar a la cocina y, entre tanda y tanda de canciones, hablábamos de cuánto nos dividía, y de la Cuba que nos acercaba. Él era un convencido de la revolución. Yo me iba del país. Pero nos escuchábamos. Nos respetábamos.

Le protestaba de Ela O’farril, de cómo la encerraron en una mazmorra del G-2 por componer Adiós Felicidad, casi no te conocí, pasaste indiferente sin querer nada de mí, inocente canción de amor que la policía política calificó de peligroso himno al desencanto… Se defendía, que hubo extremistas, incapaces de entender que la canción expresa amor o desamor que nada tienen que ver con lo social.

Le repetía de la Guillot, la voz de oro de Contigo en la Distancia y Delirio, prácticamente obligada a marcharse; de que la Ofensiva Revolucionaria había clausurado los pocos cabarés que quedaban a fines de los 60, y provocado que los músicos vagaran como zombis… Y bajaba la guardia: “se han cometido muchos errores, muchos”, respondía. ¿Y quién los paga?, martillaba yo. Y Cesar callaba con un silencio cómplice…

La salsa newyorkina enervaba sus fastasmas. Había compuesto El son para que te asombres, ya me lo quieren robar y hasta le quieren cambiar, hasta el mismísimo nombre… Don Quijote, con la adarga al brazo, Cesar la emprendía, desde la dirección de Música de la UNEAC, contra los salseros boricuas, quizá por chovinismo –ese mal que infecta a los cubanos—porque honesto, artista, nunca compuso un himno a la revolución como tantos oportunistas que acabarían en Miami.

Cesar Portillo de la Luz se fue a los 90 años. Deja a Cuba, poemas musicalizados que le han dado la vuelta al mundo: Contigo en la distancia, Noche Cubana, Tú mi delirio, Realidad y Fantasía, Canción Para un festival. A mí, me deja más: el ejemplo de un cubano de antes, que creía en el socialismo, pero también en la humanidad por encima de ideologías, y que defendía la amistad sobre las diferencias políticas.

Letters from Cuba
The Cuban History, Arnoldo Varona, Editor

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