Culture, Science, ArtsLoipa Araujo, ballet dancer, teacher. (born in Havana) ** Loipa Araujo, bailarina de ballet, profesora.

loipa_araujo_-bw.jpg__300x449_q85_crop_subject_location-2385,3415_upscaleLoipa Araújo (born May 27, 1941) is a Cuban ballet dancer, ballet master, and teacher of ballet.

Along with Aurora Bosch, Josefina Méndez, and Mirta Plá, she is regarded as one of the “four jewels of Cuban ballet”. Nicknamed the “Cuban muse of Marseilles”, Araújo is considered to be “one of the best ballet teachers in the world today”. She was a principal artist with the Cuban National Ballet (Ballet Nacional de Cuba; BNC).

Born in Havana in 1941, Araújo’s father was a psychiatrist. A sister and a brother died c. 2008. She trained at the Ballet School of the Sociedad Pro-Arte Musical de La Habana and at the Alicia Alonso Ballet Academy.


Araújo joined the BNC in 1955 and was promoted to principal ballerina in 1965. In 1973, she associated with Ballet National de Marseille where she again held the position of prima ballerina, becoming a muse for Roland Petit. Araújo was a guest performer with the Béjart Ballet, Bolshoi Ballet, Bulgarian National Opera and Ballet, Maly Theatre, and Royal Danish Ballet.


When she was 21 years old, Araújo began teaching at the BNC, transitioning in later years to ballet mistress.
Other teaching opportunities occurred at the Béjart Ballet, Bolshoi Ballet, Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, Opéra National de Bordeaux, Paris Opera Ballet, The Royal Ballet, Royal Danish Ballet, Teatro dell’Opera di Roma, Teatro alla Scala, and Teatro di San Carlo. In September 2012, Araújo joined the English National Ballet, where she is the Associate Artistic Director.

Among Araújo’s many Cuban honors are the Distinción Por la Cultura Nacional, Medalla Alejo Carpentier, Orden Félix Varela, Premio Anual del Gran Teatro de La Habana, Medalla Fernando Ortiz, Premio Nacional de Danza, Doctora Honoris Causa en Arte, and Member emeritus National Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba. Her international awards include the Gold Medal (Varna, 1965), Silver Medal (Moscow, 1969), and Gold star at the Champs Elysées Ballet Festival (Paris, 1970). She was honored with the Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur by France in 2011.

Cuban ballet dancers defectors.

In the latest episode of leakage in BNC, eight dancers left the delegation-of fifty people-which was presented in June in Puerto Rico, after an absence of three decades of scenarios that country.

In Cuba “is a youth who feels the need to ‘run’, perhaps you feel that the days and is not doing what I wanted,” said Araujo, 73 years and current Associate Artistic Director of the National Ballet Inglés in the interview published by the newspaper Juventud Rebelde.


“Personally, I do not deny anyone the ability to see and confront a different reality complement” because “it may be that many of them will help them realize how the race must be faced,” said Araujo, who is vacationing on the island, when asked about the exodus of Cuban dancers.

Today Loipa Araujo shares her knowledge eagerly, as a master teacher at home and as a guest of the world’s leading companies, including The Royal Danish Ballet, where she will be teaching again this month. Last fall Araújo taught at The Royal Ballet.

The Cuban History, Hollywood.
Arnoldo Varona, Editor. Comments
