Ilza Rosario, “Burn Notice: The Fall of Sam Axe” actress. (Born: Havana) ** Ilza Rosario, actriz cubana. (Nacida en La Habana)

MV5BMTM4MjcxMDM3Nl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNTIyMTcxMDE@._V1_SY317_CR18,0,214,317_AL_Ilza Rosario was born on January 11, 1985 in Havana, Cuba as Ilza Rosario Ponko.

Ilza Rosario is an actress that first appeared in the T.V. movie “Burn Notice: The Fall of Sam Axe”, Mi Deuda Con Ilsa (2013) and 6 Miranda Drive (2015). As well as a Spanish singer.

Burn Notice: The Fall of Sam Axe Trailer.

Born to a Cuban father and a Russian mother, Ilza got involved in music at age 7 in Moscow, Russia. In her teenage years she moved to Cuba where she studied at the “Amadeo Roldan” Conservatory in Havana, Cuba.

The Cuban History, Hollywood.
Arnoldo Varona, Editor. Comments
