Inside CubaSPAIN / CUBA: Following the Footprints of Ourense Emigration in Cuba. *** ESPAÑA/CUBA: Siguiendo las Huellas de la Inmigración Ourensana en Cuba.


The Spanish colony in Cuba reaches 119 662 people, of which 11,087 are Ourense, although only a hundred of them born in the province. The footprint of these Caribbean neighbors is felt.

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As the world focused its attention on Cuba after resuming relations with the United States about the same time in Ourense role the Union charged Orensana Center Havana to receive this year’s “Celanova Casa dos Poets” by his “historical compromise with Galicia, and a very special way with the figure of Manuel Curros Enríquez. ” Once again, Cuba is interspersed with Ourense, or vice versa.


* Manuel Curros Enríquez (September 15, 1851 – February 7, 1908) was a Galician writer and journalist in the Galician language, and is Considered to be one of the leading figures of Galician culture and identity.

In 1894, I emigrated to Havana, Where I was warmly received. I had a chance to publish His own newspaper, La Tierra Gallega (The Galician Land). However, This paper was not long-lived, and it was suspended Eventually. Then gigs joined the staff of another paper, The Journal of Families (Journal of the Families). In This new role, I HAD supported the autonomists. This did not earn him the sympathies of the Local Authorities, nor of other Galicians. I worked later on for the Cuban newspaper Diario de la Marina.

In 1908 he was admitted at the Asturian Medical Center at Havana, Because he refused to go to the Galician Medical Center. He was very ill. He died on February 7, 1908, and his remains were shipped back to Galicia.


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At present, 11,087 of Ourense are living on the island, a total of 36,614 Galicians, but only 100 of them were born in this province, the second most “Cuban” after Lugo, with 12,683. The increase of these residents in recent years has been very high, since in 2009 they were only 3,732 of Ourense registered in the Register of Spaniards Resident Abroad. This remarkable increase has been brought about by the law in recent years allowed the descendants of Spaniards recovered the nationality of his ancestors, and given the economic situation facing the island were thousands who sought their origins to this side of the Atlantic.

The Ourense mark on the island goes back, especially in the late eighteenth century, when it began the Galician emigration to Cuba and created in 1804 and its first center: The Brotherhood of St. James the Greater. In 1912, there were installed on the island 40 local companies. Currently, survive, as recorded by the Xunta, just over 20 with appreciation “galeguidad”. Although there are numerous smaller companies under the name of “Sons”, with Coles origin or Trives.

The ourensanos occupied a very important role in island life space, although not all were illustrious names like Curros Enriquez or Basilio Alvarez. In the first third of the twentieth century, the richest man in Cuba named Joseph Lopez, known as “pot”, a whole ourensano dedicated to banking.

With the triumph of the revolution, they were confiscated their property, to what some chose to emigrate again, and others remain, but adapting to the new life, which entailed many hardships, he did grow Ourense societies charitable and help.

centro galego habana cuba

With the opening of the Cuban government it seems to have started this year ourensano entrepreneur has managed to recover property that will be used for hotel purposes, but prefers to remain anonymous, “just in case”.

Cuba has for many stories like that tell the libo ourensanos anonymous “Faces of Memory”, just published by the Ourensano Center Havana and the Fernando Ortiz Foundation. And with hard lives, including that of Carmen Perez, who emigrated 16 years and first returned home from Touza 88, then stating that “here I notice Moite cold”.

Ourensanos also marked the public life of the island. The spokesman for the Spanish community in Cuba against the central government was precisely and for nearly twenty years until his death in 2014, a ourensano of Loñoá do Camiño in Pereiro de Aguiar: Antonio Fidalgo. He emigrated with 19 years and one month later he was associated with the Galician Center of Havana, in 1952. It was for more than 20 years the Charity Galician partner and founding member of the Union Orensana Havana.

Agencies / La Región, Orense, Spain / Excerpts / InternetPhotos.
The Cuban History, Hollywood.
Arnoldo Varona, Editor.

CUBA PHOTOS.  Paisaje cubano.

CUBA PHOTOS. Paisaje cubano.


La colonia española en Cuba alcanza las 119.662 personas, de las que 11.087 son ourensanas, aunque sólo un centenar de ellas haya nacido en la provincia. La huella de estos convecinos caribeños se deja sentir.

Mientras el mundo centraba su atención en Cuba tras retomar relaciones con Estados Unidos casi al mismo tiempo en Ourense cobraba protagonismo el Centro Unión Orensana de La Habana al recibir este año el “Celanova Casa dos Poetas”por su “compromiso histórico con Galicia, y de un modo muy especial con la figura de Manuel Curros Enríquez”. Una vez más, Cuba se entremezcla con Ourense, o viceversa.



Manuel Curros Enríquez (September 15, 1851 – February 7, 1908) was a Galician writer and journalist in the Galician language, and is Considered to be one of the leading figures of Galician culture and identity.

In 1894, he emigrated to Havana, Where he was warmly received. He had a chance to publish his own newspaper, La Tierra Gallega (The Galician Land). However, This paper was not long-lived, and it was suspended Eventually. Then gigs joined the staff of another paper, The Journal of Families (Journal of the Families). In This new role, He had supported the autonomists. This did not earn him the sympathies of the Local Authorities, nor of other Galicians. He worked later on for the Cuban newspaper Diario de la Marina.

In 1908 he was admitted at the Asturian Medical Center at Havana, Because he refused to go to the Galician Medical Center. He was very ill. He died on February 7, 1908, and his remains Were shipped back to Galicia.

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En la actualidad, son 11.087 los ourensanos que viven en la isla, de un total de 36.614 gallegos, aunque tan sólo 100 de ellos hayan nacido en esta provincia, la segunda con más “cubanos”, después de Lugo, con 12.683. El incremento de estos residentes en los últimos años ha sido muy elevado, ya que en 2009 tan sólo eran 3.732 los ourensanos registrados en el Padrón de Españoles Residentes en el Exterior. Este notable aumento ha sido propiciado por la ley que en los últimos años permitía a los descendientes de españoles recuperar la nacionalidad de sus antepasados, y dada la situación económica que atravesaba la isla, fueron miles los que buscaron sus orígenes a este lado del Atlántico.

La huella ourensana en la isla se remonta, sobre todo, a finales del siglo XVIII, cuando comenzó la emigración gallega a Cuba y que en 1804 creó ya su primer centro: La Santa Hermandad de Santiago el Mayor. En 1912, había instaladas en la isla 40 sociedades locales. En la actualidad, perviven, según el registro de la Xunta, algo más de 20 con reconocimiento de “galleguidad”. Aunque son numerosas las sociedades más pequeñas, con el nombre de “Hijos de”, con procedencia de Coles o Trives.

Los ourensanos ocuparon un espacio muy importante en la vida de la isla, aunque no todos fueran nombres ilustres como Curros Enríquez o Basilio Álvarez. En el primer tercio del siglo XX, el hombre más rico de Cuba se llamaba José López, conocido como “Pote”, todo un ourensano dedicado a la banca.

centro galego habana cuba

Con el triunfo de la revolución, les fueron confiscadas sus propiedades, ante lo que unos optaron por emigrar de nuevo, y otros por permanecer, pero adaptándose a la nueva vida, que conllevó muchas penurias, lo que hizo crecer las sociedades ourensanas de beneficiencia y ayuda.

Con la apertura que el gobierno cubano parece haber iniciado, este año un empresario ourensano ha logrado recuperar una propiedad, que será utilizada con fines hoteleros, aunque prefiere mantenerse en el anonimato, “por si acaso”.

Cuba ha dado para muchas historias como las que relatan ourensanos anónimos en el libro “Los rostros de la memoria”, precisamente editado por el Centro Ourensano de La Habana y la Fundación Fernando Ortíz. Y con duras vidas, entre ellas la de Carmen Pérez, que emigró con 16 años y regresó por primera vez a su casa de Touza con 88, afirmando entonCes que “aquí noto moito frío”.

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Los ourensanos también han marcado la vida pública de la isla. El portavoz de la colectividad española en Cuba frente al gobierno central fue, precisamente y durante cerca de veinte años hasta que falleció en 2014, un ourensano de Loñoá do Camiño, en Pereiro de Aguiar: Antonio Fidalgo. Emigró con 19 años y un mes después se asoció al Centro Gallego de La Habana, en 1952. Fue durante más de 20 años socio de la Beneficencia Gallega, así como socio fundador de la Unión Orensana de La Habana.

Agencies/La Región, Orense, Spain/Extractos/InternetPhotos.
The Cuban History, Hollywood.
Arnoldo Varona, Editor. Comments
