Inside CubaSAÚL Berenthal, the Jewish-Cuban that has returned. (Born: Havana). + SAUL BERENTHAL, el Judío-Cubano de regreso. (Nacido en La Habana).


Saúl Berenthal was born in Havana, Cuba was off for half a century and returned in 2007 for family reasons.


Cuba was eleven home to a thriving Jewish community. Many meat to the Caribbean island in the mid-20th century to escape persecution in Eastern Europe and the rise of the Nazi party in Germany, or simply to find a better life. They FORMED synagogues and social clubs, bought property, ran Businesses and, by all accounts, Were happy.

The island has changed tremendously since the Berenthals and others fled, yet some things are the same. The cars on the road are vintage 1950s. The island’s nature beauty still draws tourists.

But only one-tenth of Cuba’s pre-Revolution Estimated 15,000 Jewish population remains. The largest number live in Havana, but there are Jewish Communities in small towns THROUGHOUT the island.

Now Saúl Berenthal want that theirs is the first American company to manufacture tractors in the island. His former home.


In early November 2015, Cleber tractor manufacturer, based in Alabama, became the first US company to receive permission from the Cuban government to build a factory in the Special Development Zone Mariel (ZEDM). Berenthal Saul is one of its owners. A native of Cuba who returns to his country of birth.

In interview with German media DW explains:
According to the new regulations of the Ministry of Finance of the United States, American companies are allowed to establish commercial relations with Cuba in three areas, one of which is agriculture. And Cuban law governing foreign investment from foreign companies authorized to settle in the ZEDM. Our project was studied and approved in less than sixty days. In the US, the process is more complicated due to the blocking rules still in place. United States approves the export of machinery and other products for agriculture when it is perceived that they can support the Cuban private sector. Instead, the participation of the Cuban government in the negotiation should be avoided or minimized. We deliver our license application to the Ministry of Finance of the United States in late June 2015 and are awaiting approval. In total, six US government agencies which should give us the green light.

What advantages have their tractors in competition with other vendors in the US?.

Our tractor is easy to manufacture, economically affordable light weight, simple to operate and maneuver. In addition, our model was designed so that its components can be replaced by parts made in Cuba. Also we consider the fact that while 78 percent of the land belongs to the Cuban state, 70 percent is cultivated by farmers and various forms of cooperatives. The base of the Cuban agricultural model is the work of small modules of 10 to 15 hectares, on average.
Agricultural model that closely resembles the “family farms” that prevailed in the United States in the sixties. These family businesses used tractors specially adapted to their needs. We take this model and improved to suit the demands of Cuban agriculture. I believe that our project can serve as an example for other US companies interested in participating in this rapprochement between Washington and Havana.

Why he was given the name “Oggun” their tractors?

We want to demonstrate to Cubans, although we are an American company, know very well the culture of the island. Ogun is the orisha of metals. We want to link our tractor with what Oggun symbolized in Cuba.

DW / Internet Photos / Charlotte Observer /
The Cuban History, Hollywood.
Arnoldo Varona, Editor.




Saúl Berenthal nació en La Habana, estuvo fuera de Cuba durante medio siglo y regresó en 2007 por razones familiares.

Cuba was once home to a thriving Jewish community. Many came to the Caribbean island in the mid-20th century to escape persecution in Eastern Europe and the rise of the Nazi party in Germany, or simply to find a better life. They formed synagogues and social clubs, bought property, ran businesses and, by all accounts, were happy.


The island has changed tremendously since the Berenthals and others fled, yet some things are the same. The cars on the road are vintage 1950s. The island’s natural beauty still draws tourists.

But only one-tenth of Cuba’s estimated 15,000 pre-Revolution Jewish population remains. The largest number live in Havana, but there are Jewish communities in small towns throughout the island.

Ahora Saul Berenthal quiere que la suya sea la primera empresa estadounidense en fabricar tractores en la isla.
Su antiguo home.



A principios de noviembre 2015, el fabricante de tractores Cleber, con sede en Alabama, se convirtió en la primera empresa estadounidense en recibir permiso del Gobierno cubano para erigir una factoría en la Zona Especial de Desarrollo Mariel (ZEDM). Saúl Berenthal es uno de sus propietarios. Un nativo de Cuba que regresa a su país de nacimiento.

En entrevista para el medio periodístico Alemán DW explica:
Según la nueva normativa del Ministerio de Finanzas de Estados Unidos, las empresas estadounidenses tienen permitido establecer relaciones comerciales con Cuba en tres campos, uno de los cuales es la agricultura. Y las leyes cubanas que rigen las inversiones provenientes del exterior autorizan a las empresas extranjeras a asentarse en la ZEDM. Nuestro proyecto fue estudiado y aprobado en menos de sesenta días. En Estados Unidos, el proceso es más complicado debido a las normas de bloqueo aún vigentes. Estados Unidos aprueba la exportación de maquinaria y otros productos para la agricultura cuando se percibe que éstos pueden favorecer al sector privado cubano. En cambio, la participación del Gobierno cubano en la negociación debe ser evitada o reducida al mínimo. Nosotros entregamos nuestra solicitud de licencia al Ministerio de Finanzas de Estados Unidos a finales de junio de 2015 y estamos esperando la aprobación. En total son seis las instancias gubernamentales estadounidenses las que deben darnos luz verde.

Qué ventajas tienen sus tractores en competencia con otros vendedores en los EEUU?.

Nuestro tractor es fácil de fabricar, económicamente asequible, ligero de peso, sencillo de operar y de maniobrar. Además, nuestro modelo fue concebido de tal forma que sus componentes puedan ser sustituidos por piezas fabricadas en Cuba. También consideramos el hecho de que, aunque el 78 por ciento de las tierras pertenecen al Estado cubano, el 70 por ciento es cultivado por granjeros y distintas formas de cooperativas. La base del modelo agrícola cubano es la labor de pequeños módulos de entre 10 y 15 hectáreas, en promedio.
Ese modelo agrícola se parece mucho al de las “granjas familiares”, que prevalecía en Estados Unidos en la década de los sesenta. Esas empresas familiares usaban tractores adaptados especialmente a sus necesidades. Nosotros tomamos este modelo y lo mejoramos para adaptarlo a las exigencias de la agricultura cubana. Yo creo que nuestro proyecto puede servirle de ejemplo a otras empresas estadounidenses interesadas en participar de este acercamiento entre Washington y La Habana.

¿Por qué le dieron el nombre “Oggun” a sus tractores?

Nosotros queremos demostrarles a los cubanos que, aunque somos una empresa estadounidense, conocemos muy bien la cultura de la isla. Oggun es el orisha de los metales. Nosotros queremos vincular a nuestro tractor con lo que Oggun simboliza en Cuba.

DW/Internet Photos/Charlotte Observer/
The Cuban History, Hollywood.
Arnoldo Varona, Editor. Comments
