– THE GOVERNMENT OF CUBA will allow cuban citizens in maritime traveling. *** PERMITIRÁ EL GOBIERNO DE CUBA a ciudadanos cubanos en viajes marítimos.


Raúl Castro’s Government rose yesterday restrictions for Cubans and from United States maritime trips, for half a century, after which the cruise ships between the two countries will resume from May.

The measures, which will take effect next Tuesday, will allow the entrance and exit of Cubans as passengers and crew members of merchant vessels and cruise ships, according to an official statement.

“The Government has decided to authorize the entry and departure of Cuban citizens, regardless of their immigration status, as passengers and crew members on cruise ships”, requires the message.


Cuba agreed to release the maritime travel of its citizens as part of the process of normalization of relations with the United States started in December 2014, and which reached its peak with the historic visit, in March, President Barack Obama to Havana.

The statement does not mention the ferry, despite the fact that United States already issued licenses to five companies to operate those services.

In principle, the purpose of the prohibitions will benefit trips of the Cuban diaspora, while the majority of the inhabitants of the island – punished by the low income – expect to see the arrival of more tourists.

“Today may be a little difficult, but I think that in the future it will be possible (…) travel on a cruise ship,”said Angel Merencio, a student of English and 25-year-old Italian.

The restrictions on Cubans were imposed after the triumph of the revolution in 1959, as a result of the landing and attack from anti-Castro groups aided by the United States in the context of the cold war.

Cuban authorities also announced that it expected “authorize, gradually and once created conditions, entry and departure of Cubans yachts”, although not ahead of a date.

The step taken by Cuba is especially sensitive given that many Cubans still try to migrate to the us by sea in precarious boats risking their lives.

The authorities American, which maintains in force the economic embargo against the island, granted immigration benefits to the Cubans who reach dry land North American, but deported the Islanders who are intercepted at sea.

Havana has insisted on the repeal of the migratory benefits, that have led to waves of migrants seeking to reach us through Central America in recent months.


The announced end of the restrictions – which adds to the resumption of commercial flights between the two countries – unblocked plans to restart the cruises.

Cuba has eased a rule prohibiting children born there to reach the island by sea, allowing you to Carnival Corp. take the first cruise from United States to the island in half a century, announced yesterday the company based in Miami.

The company had refused to sell tickets to Americans of Cuban origin for the planned cruise to set sail on May 1, in fulfilment of the Cuban, which gave rise to proposals and a lawsuit for discrimination. Then the company said it would sell tickets, but I would not perform the cruise unless it changed the Cuban standard.

The CEO of Carnival, Arnold Donald, said in a statement that the cruise zarparía may 1 from Miami. The Adonia, a 704 Carnival Adonia line passenger ship, will perform the initial trip followed, according to the plans, a cruise every two weeks.

“This is a positive outcome resulting from discussions that began some time ago,” said Donald. “The fact of today will affect countless lives. It is available for everyone”.

Arnoldo Varona, Editor.


CUBA HOY/TODAY: El Malecón de la Habana.

CUBA HOY/TODAY: El Malecón de la Habana.


Cuba ha flexibilizado una norma que prohibía a los nacidos allí arribar a la isla por mar, lo que le permite a Carnival Corp. realizar el primer crucero desde Estados Unidos a la isla en medio siglo, anunció ayer la empresa con sede en Miami.


La compañía se había negado a vender boletos a estadunidenses de origen cubano para el crucero previsto para zarpar el 1 de mayo, en cumplimiento de la norma cubana, lo cual dio lugar a propuestas y una demanda por discriminación. Luego la empresa dijo que vendería los boletos, pero no realizaría el crucero a menos que cambiara la norma cubana.

Las medidas permitirán a los cubanos, entre otras cosas, viajar en cruceros sin solicitar un permiso previo.

El gobierno de Raúl Castro levantó ayer las restricciones para los viajes marítimos de los cubanos desde y hacia Estados Unidos, impuestas hace medio siglo, tras lo cual se reanudarán a partir de mayo los cruceros entre los dos países.

Las medidas, que entrarán en vigor el próximo martes, permitirán el ingreso y salida de cubanos como pasajeros y tripulantes de buques mercantes y cruceros, según un comunicado oficial.

“El gobierno decidió autorizar la entrada y salida de ciudadanos cubanos, con independencia de su condición migratoria, en calidad de pasajeros y tripulantes en cruceros”, precisa el mensaje.

El comunicado no menciona a los ferrys, pese a que Estados Unidos ya emitió licencias a cinco empresas para operar esos servicios.

En principio, el fin de las prohibiciones beneficiará los viajes de la diáspora cubana, mientras la mayoría de los habitantes de la isla —castigados por los bajos ingresos— esperan ver la llegada de más turistas.

Las autoridades cubanas también anunciaron que prevén “autorizar, de forma gradual y una vez creadas las condiciones, la entrada y salida de cubanos en yates”, aunque no adelantaron una fecha.


El paso dado por Cuba es especialmente sensible teniendo en cuenta que muchos cubanos todavía intentan migrar hacia EU por vía marítima, en precarias embarcaciones arriesgando sus vidas.

Las autoridades estadounidenses, que mantienen en vigor el embargo económico contra la isla, conceden beneficios migratorios a los cubanos que logren pisar tierra norteamericana, pero deportan a los isleños que son interceptados en el mar.

La Habana ha insistido en la derogación de las ventajas migratorias, que han propiciado en los últimos meses oleadas de migrantes que buscan llegar a EU a través de Centroamérica.

El anunciado fin de las restricciones —que se suma a la reanudación de los vuelos comerciales entre los dos países— destrabó los planes para reiniciar los cruceros.

Arnoldo Varona, Editor.

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