Cuban Characters, Slang (Dichos)TRANSLATION of 26 Phrases (Slang) Usually Used by Cubans. * TRADUCCIÓN de 26 Frases y Palabras usadas comúnmente por los Cubanos.


1. ¿Qué bolá contigo?
What’s up with you? How’s it going? Bolá is also frequently spelled as volá.

2. ¿Qué bolero?/¿Qué bolaita?/¿Qué vuelta?
These are variants of the above for asking someone how they’re doing.

3. Acere
A friend, a dude. This is an informal way of addressing anyone, just like colega or amigo. So, “¿¿Acere, qué bolá??” finally makes perfect sense, right?

4. Yuma
This is a word used to describe a foreigner and especially a white or blonde one. It would usually not be used for foreigners from elsewhere in Latin America.

5. Gringo
This refers only to a person from the United States. Unlike in some other Latin American countries, this word isn’t used for Europeans.

6. Un mate
A French kiss.

7. ¡Tu maletín!
That’s your problem (literally, your briefcase)!


8. ¡Me resbala!
I don’t care (literally, it slides off me).

9. Mantén tu latón con tapa.
Keep a lid on it (literally, keep the lid on your trash).

10. ¡Chao pescao!

11. ¡Chao pescao!…¡Y a la vuelta picadillo!
This cutesy two-person exchange of expressions is just like, “see you later alligator!” and “after a while crocodile!” It literally means, “goodbye, fish!” and “next time, minced meat!” It comes from the way that the first 15 days’ ration card of the month gives you fish, and the next time it gives you meat.

12. Nos pillamos
This is essentially saying “¡nos vemos!” or “see you later.” This phrase can be sexually suggestive, or not.

13. Tumba eso
Let the subject drop (literally, knock that over).

14. En talla
Literally this means “at the size,” and the closest English equivalent is “it’s a good fit.” It could mean that things literally or figuratively fit, or that people are understanding each other well or are in the know.


15. Me piro
I’m getting going, I’m out of here.

16. Jamar
To eat.

17. Jamar un cable
To be really struggling financially to get by, to be homeless, out of work, etc.

18. Surnar
To sleep deeply.

19. El chivo
The bicycle.

20. La pincha
The job.

21. Pinchar
To work (literally, to poke or stab).

22. El gao / El gabeto


23. Echar pila
To flirt.

24. Está volao
That’s amazing.

25. Tipo cuadrao
A square (type of person), someone who’s inflexible (e.g., very communist).

26. Prieto(a)
A black person. This word is considered to be more polite than negro.

Agencies/ FluentU/ Internet Photos/ Arnoldo Varona/
