THE “TROPICANA NIGHT CLUB”, La Havana, Cuba. Complete History. Video. + EL CABARET TROPICANA, Historia del “Paraíso Bajo las Estrellas”. Video.



Tropicana es un cabaret y Club bien conocido mundialmente en La Habana, Cuba. Fue lanzado en 1939 en Villa Mina, una de seis acres (24.000 m²) en residencia suburbana con exuberantes jardines tropicales en el barrio de Marianao de La Habana.

El espectacular lugar de shows en que se convirtió en El Tropicana evolucionó a partir de un club nocturno de la época de bohemia llamado ‘Edén Concert’, operado por el empresario cubano Víctor de Correa. Un día, dos operadores de casino se acercaron a Correa sobre la apertura de un casino de la combinación y el cabaret de la propiedad en las afueras de La Habana alquilados a Guillermina Pérez Chaumont, conocida como Mina. Los operadores consideraron que los jardines tropicales de su Mina Villa, que proporcionan un entorno natural exuberante de un cabaret al aire libre. Se llegó a un acuerdo, y en diciembre de 1939, de Correa se trasladó a su compañía de cantantes, bailarines y músicos en una antigua casa solariega situada en la finca. De Correa, siempre que la comida y el entretenimiento, mientras que Rafael Mascaró y Luis Bular operaba el casino localizado en el comedor de la mansión de candelabros de la finca. Originalmente conocido como El Beau Site, de Correa decidió cambiar el nombre del Tropicana Club, por su ambiente tropical y “na” después de la última sílaba del propietario original, Mina. Con una fanfarria de la orquesta de Alfredo Brito, el Club Tropicana, inaugurado el 30 de diciembre de 1939. Su popularidad entre los turistas creció en forma sostenida hasta el estallido de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, lo que redujo fuertemente el turismo hacia Cuba.

Tropicana en los años 50s.

Durante este tiempo, Martín Fox, un jugador corpulento, sociable y bien comunicada, empezó a alquilar espacio de tabla en el casino.Eventually, en 1950, iba a acumular ganancias suficientes para hacerse cargo del contrato de arrendamiento de lo que se convertiría en el Tropicana. Martin Fox llegó a La Habana desde el campo. Ellos apodado “Guajiro Fox” (Fox, el patán campesino o país) y que era grande en el número de raqueta. Como una persona que nació y se crió en el país, que amaba las plantas y convertirse en su guardián más ardiente. No tenía ningún tipo de educación, pero era audaz y mantiene estrechas relaciones con los grupos más solventes. Así, en pocos años se cayó Víctor de Correa y, junto con Alberto Ardura y Oscar Echemendía, formaron una trilogía empresarial que hizo de Tropicana uno de los clubes nocturnos más famosos del continente.

Pero fue la llegada a La Habana en 1946 de la Florida mafioso Santo “Louie Santos” Trafficante Jr., que alteraría el futuro de El Tropicana. Trafficante, Jr., había sido enviado por su padre, el padrino de Tampa Santo Trafficante, Sr. (un hombre que siempre quiso hacer algo grande en Cuba) para supervisar la Cosa Nostra y el casino de Tampa familia y los intereses comerciales en ese territorio.


Los coristas en el Tropicana, conocidas colectivamente como “Las Diosas de Carne” (o “Diosas carne”), fue reconocida en todo el mundo por su voluptuosidad, y el cabaret mostró una especie de teatro de lentejuelas y plumas de musical que se copian en París, Nueva York y Las Vegas. Los espectáculos fastuosos fueron organizadas por Neyra. Cabezas de cartel incluye Xavier Cugat, Paul Robeson, Yma Sumac, Carmen Miranda, Nat King Cole y Josephine Baker. Liberace no se realizó oficialmente, pero se subió al escenario con la estrella de mambo Ana Gloria Varona en el primer día en 1955 que él llevó a cabo una gran fiesta para el cuerpo de prensa de Cuba. Aclamado como un “Paraíso Bajo las Estrellas”, se convirtió en el Tropicana conocida por sus coristas, sonidos conga, torneos de dominó y producciones llamativos, espectaculares. En “Tropicana Nights” María, Nat King Cole, la esposa pinta un retrato colorido de la sede en su apogeo: “Ha sido impresionante! Mi boca sólo se abrió … había mucho color, mucho movimiento … y la orquesta! La banda de la casa tenía cuarenta músicos … me dije a Nat, “esa es la banda de la casa? (¿Hay) que muchas bailarinas? ”

Una guía del Cabaret emitida en el año 1956 se describe como El Tropicana “, el club nocturno más grande y más hermoso del mundo. Ubicado en lo que antes era una finca de 36.000 metros cuadrados, Tropicana tenia un amplio margen de dos juegos completos de las etapas, las áreas de mesa y pistas de baile, además de los bien cuidados terrenos que se extienden más allá de la discoteca Los árboles altos adecuadas. se levantan sobre las mesas y por las nubes en algunos puntos de prestar el ambiente adecuado tropical que combina bien con la arquitectura ultra-moderna de la discoteca. Espectáculos incluir una línea de coro de 50 y los bailarines se realizan a menudo en las pasarelas entre los árboles. Ritmos y costumbres son coloridas nativo, con el vudú un tema frecuente. mejor talento ha sido importada desde el extranjero. mínimo en las mesas es de $ 4.50 por persona, pero esto puede ser evitado al sentarse en el bar central que tiene una buena vista de ambas etapas.


En 1956, Martín Fox organizó un especial del Club Tropicana paquete turístico: Tropicana Cubana ‘Especial comenzó un ida y vuelta que los clientes del club transportaban desde Miami a la Tropicana y los devolvió a la Florida a las 4 am de la mañana siguiente. El avión presentaba un bar surtido con un grupo de selecciones de cócteles, así como una versión reducida de la orquesta de Armando Romeu para cualquier persona suficientemente valiente como para bailar en los pasillos.

El club pronto se convirtió en “un imán para las celebridades internacionales, músicos, mujeres hermosas, y las mafias.”. La larga lista de estrellas que acudieron a la Tropicana incluye Édith Piaf, Ernest Hemingway, Jimmy Durante, Pier Angeli, Maurice Chevalier, Sammy Davis, Jr. y Marlon Brando.

La revolución cubana iba a tener repercusiones graves para la participación de la mafia en Cuba. Ya en el 31 de diciembre 1956 una bomba explotó en el Tropicana. Fijado por los rebeldes comunistas, la explosión se contuvo en la zona del bar y una mujer perdió un brazo. A pesar de ello, y como aun cuando los rebeldes de Castro comenzó a derrocar a La Habana dos años después, Trafficante, se escuchó a insistir en que la revolución era “una tormenta temporal” que “volar otra vez.” Lansky, el hijo de exiliados rusos, no estuvo de acuerdo. “Sé que una revolución comunista cuando lo veo”, dijo. Estaba en lo cierto. El nuevo presidente de Cuba, Manuel Urrutia Lleó cerró los casinos y nacionalizó todas las propiedades del casino y el hotel. Esta acción erradicado tanto Trafficante y la base de Lansky de activos y flujos de ingresos en La Habana. Corte sus pérdidas Lansky decidió huir de La Habana. Trafficante se mantuvo la esperanza de que pudiera hacer un trato con el nuevo régimen. Pero Castro no estaba interesado. Quería hacer un ejemplo de la multitud, y Trafficante era visto como alguien involucrado con Batista. Él fue perseguido y arrestado. El 21 de junio de 1959, junto con amigos de su como Giuseppe di Giorgi y Jacob “Jake” Lansky, hermano de Meyer, Trafficante, fue internado en el campo de Tiscornia en La Habana.

Escenas del Tropicana en los años 50s.

Escenas del Tropicana en los años 50s.

Martín y su esposa Ofelia Suárez, quien no tuvo hijos, huyó a Miami. Martín murió de un derrame cerebral a mediados de los años 1960. Ofelia se mudó a Los Ángeles con su compañera desde hace mucho tiempo Rosa Sánchez, y su casa de Glendale se convirtió en un lugar de reunión y un centro social para los cubano-americanos de amigos y vecinos que continuaron la tradición de los torneos de dominó Tropicana. Ofelia murió a los 82 años el 2 de enero de 2006 de cáncer y las complicaciones de la diabetes en la Providencia de Burbank Centro Médico St. Joseph. Director musical de Tropicana es Chuchito Valdés, hijo del ya fallecido Chucho Valdés.


El Tropicana sigue funcionando hasta nuestros días, que atrae a los turistas a su Cabaret sus espectáculos se llevan a cabo a las 9 pm, de martes a domingo, en el aire libre Salón Bajo las Estrellas (si el tiempo lo permite). En estos días, los grupos turísticos extranjeros constituyen la mayoría de los clientes. El diseño del club significa que muchos de los asientos de la serie es difícil de ver, aunque no los asientos tienen una visión restringida. Entradas comienzan en un mínimo de $ 65 CUC (Moneda convertible cubana).



The Tropicana Cabaret and Club is a world-known place in Havana, Cuba. It was launched in 1939 at Villa Mina, a six-acre (24,000 m²) suburban estate with lush tropical gardens in Havana’s Marianao neighborhood.

Tropicana in the 50s.

The Tropicana had an impact in spreading Cuban culture internationally. New York’s Tropicana was a Latin music club launched in 1945 by two Cuban restaurateurs, the brothers Manolo and Tony Alfaro, who made it the most glamorous nightclub in the Bronx. On the TV series I Love Lucy, the character Ricky Ricardo (played by Cuban-born Desi Arnaz) was a singer and bandleader at Manhattan’s fictional Tropicana nightclub, now recreated in reality in Jamestown, New York at the Lucille Ball-Desi Arnaz Center’s Tropicana Room.

In 2004, the Atlantic City Tropicana opened The Quarter,which attempts to recreate the architecture, atmosphere and cuisine of Old Havana during the 1940s. In its September 1956 issue, Show magazine displayed a four-page spread on Tropicana (1957), a Mexican musical comedy filmed on location at the cabaret and featuring some of the Tropicana’s performers.


The spectacular showplace that became The Tropicana evolved out of a -era bohemian nightclub called Edén Concert, operated by Cuban empresario Victor de Correa. One day, two casino operators approached de Correa about opening a combination casino and cabaret on property on the outskirts of Havana rented from Guillermina Pérez Chaumont, known as Mina. The operators felt that the tropical gardens of her Villa Mina, would provide a lush natural setting for an outdoor cabaret. They cut a deal, and in December 1939, de Correa moved his company of singers, dancers and musicians into a converted mansion located on the estate. De Correa provided the food and entertainment, while Rafael Mascaro and Luis Bular operated the casino located in the chandeliered dining room of the estate’s mansion. Originally known as El Beau Site, de Correa decided to rename the club Tropicana, because of its tropical atmosphere and “na” after the last syllable of the original owner, Mina. With a fanfare from the Alfredo Brito Orchestra, the Club Tropicana, opened on December 30, 1939. Its popularity with tourists grew steadily until the outbreak of World War II, which sharply curtailed tourism to Cuba.

During this time, Martín Fox, a burly, gregarious and well-connected gambler, began renting table space in the casino.Eventually, by 1950, he would amass enough profits to take over the lease of what would become The Tropicana. Martin Fox came to Havana from the countryside. They nicknamed “Guajiro Fox” (Fox, the peasant or country bumpkin) and he was big in the numbers of racket. As a person born and raised in the country, he loved plants and become their most ardent keeper. He had no education whatsoever, but he was bold and has close relations with the more solvent groups. Thus, in a few years he toppled Victor de Correa and, together with Alberto Ardura and Oscar Echemendia, formed an entrepreneurial trilogy that made Tropicana one of the most famous nightclubs in the continent. Hanging in through tough times, which included a temporary ban on casino gambling, Fox bought out de Correa’s interest in 1951 and tapped Alberto Ardura and Oscar Echemendia to replace him. This is when Tropicana’s glory years really began. Ardura hired maverick choreographer Roderico “Rodney” Neyra away from his chief rival on the cabaret scene, the Club San Souci, and Fox contracted up-and-coming architect Max Borges-Recio, who created Tropicana’s Arcos de Cristal, a building composed of parabolic concrete arches and glass walls over an indoor stage. Construction continued through 1951. Giant fruit trees were left in situ during construction to punctuate the interior. When the indoor cabaret at the air-conditioned Arcos de Cristal opened on March 15, 1952, it had a combined total seating capacity of 1,700 for the interior and outside areas with furniture designed by Charles Eames. The Arcos de Cristal won numerous international prizes when it was built and was one of only six Cuban buildings included in the landmark 1954 Museum of Modern Art exhibit entitled “Latin American Architecture since 1945.”

But it was the arrival in Havana in 1946 of Floridian mobster Santo “Louie Santos” Trafficante Jr. that would alter the future of The Tropicana. Trafficante, Jr. had been sent by his father, Tampa godfather Santo Trafficante, Sr. (a man who always wanted to make it big in Cuba) to oversee La Cosa Nostra and Tampa Family casino and business interests there. Upon Trafficante, Sr.’s death in 1954, Santo, Jr. succeeded his father as boss of Tampa. That same year, as Trafficante, Jr.’s control of Tampa’s lucrative bolita racket had been threatened by congressional hearings on mob activities in the U.S., he officially settled in Havana along with Meyer Lansky. Lansky would become the top syndicate figure in Cuba, appointing Trafficante his second in command.

Within a few years, Trafficante owned or held stakes in both The Tropicana and The Sans Souci (the only casinos which been operating in Havana for several years prior to 1955). Both clubs served drinks and meals which just about covered the operating costs. The profits from gambling amounted to approximately $5,000 a day, after “deductions”. It was suspected that he also had behind-the-scenes interests in other syndicate owned Cuban gambling casinos namely those at, The Habana Riviera, The Nacional, The Sevilla-Biltmore, The Capri and the Havana Hilton. The newer casinos averaged even higher profits while the profits of the two original casinos remained more or less the same.Ironically, Lansky and Trafficante both avoided gambling. “Bartenders don’t drink, because they see the consequences,” Trafficante said at one point. “I know the odds are stacked against the players.” According to a 1958 Treasury Department investigation The Tropicana casino (along with those at The Capri and The Nacional) were rumored to be using “bust-out dice” and “rigged equipment.” According to their information the slot machines were “rigged for a very low pay off, due to the extremely high take off of the proceeds by officials.”

Martín Fox and his brother Pedro continued to own the nightclub until the day they left Cuba. The casino nonetheless bore the name of Harry “Lefty” Clark (aliases: William Gusto, William G. Buschoff, Frank Bischoff), an associate of Trafficante’s. There are disputing accounts of the extent of power that the Trafficante gang had over the club, but all records show that the Fox family maintained control over all operations of the club, even while hiring known mob figures to work at the casino, for example, Wilbur (no relation to Lefty) of Las Vegas’s Desert Inn.and Pierre Canavese who had been previously deported from the U.S. to Italy but had subsequently entered Cuba by means of a fraudulent passport and was closely associated with Lucky Luciano.

The showgirls at the Tropicana, known collectively as “Las Diosas de Carne” (or “Flesh Goddesses”), were renowned the world over for their voluptuousness, and the cabaret showcased a kind of sequin-and-feather musical theater that would be copied in Paris, New York, and Las Vegas. The lavish shows were staged by Neyra. Headliners included Xavier Cugat, Paul Robeson, Yma Sumac, Carmen Miranda, Nat King Cole, and Josephine Baker. Liberace never performed there officially, but took to the stage with mambo star Ana Gloria Varona on the one day in 1955 that he held a large party for the Cuban press corps. Heralded as a “Paradise Under the Stars,” the Tropicana became known for its showgirls, conga sounds, domino tournaments and flashy, spectacular productions. In “Tropicana Nights” Nat King Cole’s wife Maria paints a colorful portrait of the venue in its heyday: “It was breathtaking! My mouth just fell open…there was so much color, so much movement…and the orchestra! The house band had forty musicians…I said to Nat, ’that’s the house band? (Are there) that many showgirls?”

A Cabaret Guide issued in 1956 described The Tropicana as, “the largest and most beautiful night club in the world. Located on what was once a 36,000-square-meter estate, Tropicana has ample room for two complete sets of stages, table areas and dance floors, in addition to well-tended grounds extending beyond the night club proper. Tall trees rising over the tables and through the roof in some spots lend the proper tropical atmosphere which blends well with the ultra-modern architecture of the night club. Shows include a chorus line of 50 and the dancers often perform on catwalks among the trees. Rhythms and costumes are colorfully native, with voodooism a frequent theme. Top talent is imported from abroad. Minimum at tables is $4.50 per person, but this can be avoided by sitting at central bar which has a good view of both stages.”

An unpublished article sent to Cuban Information Archives around 1956-57 describes the club in detail, “So as not to waste anyone’s time, the gambling room at Tropicana is located right off the entrance lobby. The chandeliered room has ten tables for the usual fun and , plus 30 slot machines lining the walls. Beyond the gambling room are the nightclub’s two dining, dancing and show areas. The two areas are distinct: one is outdoors, with tall royal palms rising among and over the tables; the other is indoors and called the Crystal Arch. The Arch is indeed a huge, modernistic arch-like structure, and this area is used in inclement weather (and also when the outdoor area gets so crowded that there is no more room for customers). Tropicana’s total seating capacity: 1,750, but of course you can stand at the bar or at the crap table, and the management won’t object at all. Because of Tropicana’s bucolic surroundings, the producer of the shows, Rodrigo Neira (better known simply as Rodney), can really spread himself. A Tropicana production number is not complete unless it includes at least half the chorus line dancing on catwalks among the trees. The schoolteacher from Paducah is suitable impressed when he sees scantily clad lassies scampering in front of him, to his right, to his left and above him. This is as hard on the neck muscles as watching a tennis match.”

In 1956 Martín Fox arranged a special Club Tropicana tourist package: Cubana ‘ Tropicana Special began a round-trip that ferried club customers from Miami to the Tropicana and returned them to Florida at 4am the following morning. The plane featured a wet bar stocked with a bevy of cocktail selections, as well as a scaled-down version of Armando Romeu’s orchestra for anyone brave enough to dance in the aisles.

The club soon became “a magnet for international celebrities, musicians, beautiful women, and gangsters.”.The long list of stars who flocked to the Tropicana included Édith Piaf, Ernest Hemingway, Jimmy Durante, Pier Angeli, Maurice Chevalier, Sammy Davis, Jr. and Marlon Brando.

The history of the cabaret is detailed in Tropicana Nights: The Life and Times of the Legendary Cuban Nightclub (Harcourt, 2005) by Rosa Lowinger and Ofelia Fox. In Booklist, Mike Tribby reviewed: Lowinger and Fox tell the story of Havana’s notorious Tropicana nightclub, the template from which Las Vegas was made after the Batista government collapsed, and the Tropicana was closed. In its day the Tropicana was a prime site for gambling, elegance, seeing and being seen–a resort of choice for international gangsters and jet-setters. Readers who enjoyed Anthony Haden-Guest’s “biography” of Studio 54, The Last Party (1997), will enjoy comparing the differing modes of showmanship, decadence, and ostentation current in the Tropicana’s 1950s heyday to those of 1970s New York’s debauched disco scene. Fox married Tropicana owner Martin Fox in 1952 and helped him run it until 1962, when they decamped to Miami. She and Lowinger take pains to establish that the Tropicana was hardly a sleazy Mob hangout but rather a world-class entertainment venue that discriminating gangsters happened to enjoy frequenting. An excellent resource on Cuban popular culture, lavish entertainment, and everyday life just before and just after Castro, this is also an exciting and rewarding read.

The Cuban Revolution was to have serious repercussions for the mob’s involvement in Cuba. As early as December 31, 1956 a bomb exploded at The Tropicana. Set by communist rebels, the explosion was contained to the bar area and one woman lost an arm. Despite this, and as even as Castro’s rebels began to overthrow Havana two years later, Trafficante was heard to insist that the revolution was, “a temporary storm” that would “blow over.” Lansky, the son of Russian exiles, disagreed. “I know a communist revolution when I see one,” he said. He was correct. The new Cuban president, Manuel Urrutia Lleó closed the casinos and nationalized all the casino and hotel properties. This action essentially wiped out both Trafficante and Lansky’s asset base and revenue streams in Havana. Cutting his losses Lansky decided to flee Havana. Trafficante remained, hoping he could cut a deal with the new regime. But Castro was not interested. He wanted to make an example of the mob, and Trafficante was seen as someone involved with Batista. He was hunted down and arrested. On June 21, 1959, along with friends of his like Guiseppe di Giorgi and Jacob “Jake” Lansky, Meyer’s brother, Trafficante was interned in the Tiscornia camp in Havana.

Martín and his wife Ofelia Suárez, who had no children, fled to Miami. Martín died of a stroke in the mid-1960s. Ofelia moved to Los Angeles with her long-time companion Rosa Sanchez, and their Glendale house became a gathering place and social center for Cuban-American friends and neighbors who continued the Tropicana tradition of domino tournaments. Ofelia died at age 82 on January 2, 2006 of cancer and complications from diabetes at Burbank’s Providence St. Joseph Medical Center. Tropicana’s musical director is Chuchito Valdes, the son of Chucho Valdes.


The Tropicana continues to operate to this day, attracting tourists to its Cabaret Shows taking place at 9pm, Tuesday to Sunday, in the open-air Salon Bajo Las Estrellas (weather permitting). These days, foreign tour groups comprise the majority of patrons. The layout of the club means that from many of the seats the show is difficult to see, although no seats have a restricted view. Tickets begin at a minimum of CUC$65.

Agencies/Mina’sLife/Tropicana Historia/Excerpts/Internet Photos/ Arnoldo Varona/


