History of Cuba< MEMORIES of Cuban Radio. "Encyclopedia Popular", Nuevo Vedado, La Havana.


La entonces Radio Enciclopedia Popular se encontraba en la Calle 26 del Reparto Nuevo Vedado en la Habana, Cuba y gozaba de una audiencia importante dentro de los cientos de estaciones radiales que existian en Cuba antes de la “Revolucion”.

A mediados de los sesenta y hasta principios de los setenta. Habia la constumbre de llamar a la musica instrumental, musica para dormir, o musica de funeraria . Radio Enciclopedia Popular llegó alcanzar un buen numero de radio escuchas que opinaban que la musica instrumental era musica para dormir.

Radio Enciclopedia Popular triunfo , logrando atraer un masivo grupo de audio – escuchas . Radio Enciclopedia Popular se escuchaba en un solar de Caraguao, (donde vivia Chito) en la vieja barriada de la Vibora, una casona en Marianao, o una edificio de apartamentos del Vedado. Muchos escuchaban el hilo musical trasmitido desde Nuevo Vedado por un selecto grupito de locutores. Aunque presionados por el viejo administrador de la emisora. Los locutores de Radio Enciclopedia Popular trataban de evadir la inquisidora censura (del administrador y Sra) Tratando siempre de complacer al publico.


En aquellos tiempos habia un elevado numero de mujeres ilusionadas por alguno que otro locutor . Los locutores tenian una melodiosa voz. Era logico que cientos de jovenes se ilusionaran rendidas al escuchar desde la privacidad de sus solitarios hogares ” la voz” . En
las noches habaneras , siempre sobraban uno que otro borracho que inrrumpian las romanticas noches , corriendo una broma de mal gusto. El repertorio rayaba lo clasico popular podias escuchar ‘Casablanca’ ( ejecutada magistralmente por Liberace ),’Melodia Desencadenada’ de Roger Williams (cumplio ochenta y cuatro años ),’Picnic’ tema musical de la pelicula donde actuaba Kim Novak y el sensual William Holden .
Temas como ‘Anastasia’ composicion del pianista Alfred Newman y ‘El hombre del Brazo de Oro’ eran mis preferidos. Tuve la gran suerte de conocer a un tecnico que trabajaba en Radio Enciclopedia, le llamaban Papuchote (Marin). A traves de el, visite varias veces la estacion .

Las anecdotas eran deliranes. A pesar de la inquisidora persecusion del director (este era un anciano vestido de miliciano , que acompañado de su siniestra esposa censuraba cualquier musica, frase). Los locutores siempre se unian para combatir semejante administrador.

Su premio, era el exito. Su felicidad, los cientos de llamadas diarias, que la emisora tenia. La gente se instruia con los temas que escogian. El publico podia llamar y pedir su tema preferido . Un dia que estaba de visita en la estacion , dos locutores hablaban trando de adivinar la melodia que la usuaria les pedia. Era la quinta vez que llamaba , se quejaba de que no habian complacido a su pedido. La cancion de los patitos, decia ella, llegaron los dos locutores que iban a relevarlos. Cual podia ser esa melodia, de pronto el mas viejo de todos, una alto y simpatico personaje casi rayando los sesenta dijo– ‘Marea Baja’, debe ser Marea Baja. Llamaron a la mujer , para que pusiera la radio.

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Ella contesto diciendo , que escuchaba la estacion las 24 hora del dia incluso dormia con el radio puesto. Pusieron el long play, se escucho la bella melodia ….tiempo despues..sonó el telefono….al otro lado la joven freneticamente dió las gracias. Sugirio el sesudo adivino que escribiera ella el titulo “Marea Baja’ recalco , no los patitos .

PD: La mayoria de las admiradoras llevaban cafe y dulces a su locutor preferido . Otras enviaban cartas de amor, a veces acompañada
por la llave de la casa. En ese tiempo, yo estaba profundamente enamorada de T . T vivia en la calle Santa Tereza cerca de la
estacion . T murió un 8 de diciembre del 1972…tiempo despues Radio Enciclopedia Popular cambió de dirección…y yo trate de evitar
pasar por la Calle 26.



The then Radio Encyclopedia Popular was located on Calle 26 del Reparto Nuevo Vedado in Havana, Cuba and enjoyed an important audience within the hundreds of radio stations that existed in Cuba before the “Revolucion”.

In the middle of the sixties and until the beginning of the seventies. There was the habit of calling instrumental music, music to sleep, or funeral music. Radio Enciclopedia Popular reached a good number of radio listeners who believed that instrumental music was music to sleep.

Radio Enciclopedia Popular triumph, managing to attract a massive audio group – listeners. Radio Enciclopedia Popular was heard on a plot in Caraguao, (where Chito lived) in the old slum of La Vibora, a mansion in Marianao, or an apartment building in Vedado. Many listened to the musical thread transmitted from Nuevo Vedado by a select group of announcers. Although pressed by the old administrator of the station. The speakers of Radio Encyclopedia Popular tried to evade the inquisitive censorship (of the administrator and Mrs.) Always trying to please the public.

In those days there was a high number of women excited by one or another announcer. The announcers had a melodious voice. It was logical that hundreds of young people were deluded surrender when listening from the privacy of their solitary homes “the voice”. In
the Havana nights, there was always one drunken man who interrupted the romantic nights, running a joke in bad taste. The repertoire bordered on the popular classic you could hear ‘Casablanca’ (executed masterfully by Liberace), ‘Melodia Desencadenada’ by Roger Williams (he turned eighty-four), ‘Picnic’ musical theme of the film where Kim Novak and the sexy William Holden acted. Topics like ‘Anastasia’ composition of the pianist Alfred Newman and ‘The Man of the Golden Arm’ were my favorites. I had the great fortune to meet a technician who worked at Radio Encyclopedia, they called him Papuchote (Marin). Through it, visit the station several times.


The anecdotes were delirious. Despite the inquisitive persecution of the director (this was an old man dressed as a militiaman, who, accompanied by his sinister wife, censored any music, phrase). The announcers always joined to fight such an administrator.

His prize was a success. His happiness, the hundreds of daily calls, that the station had. The people were instructed with the subjects they chose. The public could call and ask for their favorite subject. One day I was visiting the station, two speakers spoke trying to guess the melody that the user asked them. It was the fifth time he called, he complained that they had not pleased his request. The song of the ducklings, she said, came the two announcers who were going to relieve them. What could that melody be, suddenly the oldest of all, a tall and sympathetic character almost scratching the sixties said– ‘Low Tide’, it must be Low Tide. They called the woman, to put on the radio.

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She answered by saying that she listened to the station 24 hours a day and even slept with the radio on. They put on the long play, they heard the beautiful melody …. time later … the phone rang … on the other side the young woman frenetically thanked. The brainy fortune-teller suggested that she write the title “Low Tide,” I emphasize, not the ducklings.

PS: Most of the fans brought coffee and candy to their favorite announcer. Others sent love letters, sometimes accompanied
by the key to the house. At that time, I was deeply in love with T. I lived in Santa Teresa street near the
station. T died on December 8, 1972 … time later Radio Encyclopedia Popular changed direction … and I tried to avoid
going through 26th Street…

Agencies/ Luyano-Cuba/ Conchita Bouza/ Internet Photos/ Arnoldo Varona/ www.TheCubanHistory.com



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