MilitaryLA VIDA Sentimental de Fulgencio Batista : Una Primera Dama Legal y Otra Secreta. PHOTOS. * THE SENTIMENTAL Life of Fulgencio Batista: A Legal and Another Secret First Lady. PHOTOS.


A modo de resumen para las nuevas generaciones de cubanos que poco saben de la vida antes de la Revolución de 1959, al ser escrita por el nuevo gobierno a su forma, queremos referirnos hoy al expresidente y exdictador cubano Fulgencio Batista y Zaldívar, su existencia personal y parte de su extensa vida sentimental.

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Nació Rubén Batista, el 16 de enero de 1901, fue un oficial militar y político cubano que se desempeñó como presidente electo de Cuba de 1940 a 1944 y como su dictador militar respaldado por Estados Unidos de 1952 a 1959 cuando fue derrocado por la Revolución de 1959.


Batista era un mujeriego empedernido que tuvo numerosas aventuras extramatrimoniales a lo largo de su primer matrimonio. Engañó a su primera esposa con varias mujeres y sus hijos eventualmente se dieron cuenta de sus relaciones. Su primera esposa, que apoyó a su esposo a lo largo de su carrera política y encontró humillantes sus infidelidades, nunca consideró el divorcio y toleró sus múltiples aventuras. Sin embargo, Batista se enamoró de Marta Fernández Miranda, mucho más joven, quien se convirtió en su amante durante mucho tiempo. Presentó los papeles de divorcio poco antes de que naciera su primer nieto. Su primera esposa y sus hijos estaban asombrados y devastados por el divorcio.

Durante el primer gobierno de Batista (1940-1944), hubo en Cuba dos primeras damas. Una, Elisa Godínez, vivía en el Palacio a plena luz del día. Batista la conoció cuando aún era un militar que montaba guardia en el portón de la finca del presidente Alfredo Zayas, y ella era lavandera wajay. La otra, secreta, ejercía las funciones de amante del presidente. Se llamaba Martha Fernández Miranda, una muchacha muy humilde de Buenavista, en Marianao, hermosa, cuya edad Batista duplicó inquieto y de quien se desconoce exactamente cómo llegó a estar en la comitiva del Presidente.

Escribe en sus memorias que tener un amante «era normal en esa época. Lo primero que hacía un cubano casualmente era tener una amante. Especialmente los políticos, los militares y los profesionales de alguna jerarquía. Tener una amante o dos era entrar en el libro de oro de la sociedad secreta. Todos cometimos ese pecado en algún momento si lo que básicamente era un castigo puede llamarse pecado.


Contó al periodista Luis Ortega el general Manuel Benítez, jefe de la Policía Nacional en el primer Gobierno de Batista, que una tarde Martha se disponía a entrar en El Encanto, la tienda del mundo elegante habanero, cuando de pronto apareció un personaje habanero que se mantenia anunciando con un altoparlante ante distintos lugares una mencion de este lugar para lograr algun tipo de ayuda monetaria, este era conocido como “el Cojo de la Bocina”, con su pata de palo, la muleta y su bocina y, sin pensarlo dos veces, gritó:
—Se dispone a entrar en el exclusivo establecimiento de Galiano esquina a San Rafael la ilustre dama Martha Fernández Miranda, la muy querida, respetada y bondadosa señora que es orgullo de nuestra sociedad.

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En una situación normal, Martha se hubiera sentido muy orgullosa de que el Cojo destacara su presencia, pero ella no era por entonces un personaje público, sino un secreto, aunque todos la conocían y le rendían honores. Los gritos del Cojo, al ponerla en evidencia, la abochornaron y se metió en la tienda como una flecha.

Esa noche, en la intimidad, sigue contando Luis Ortega, le armó una bronca a Batista. Y Batista, a la mañana siguiente, llamó a Palacio al general Manuel Benítez. De muy malas pulgas, le dijo:
—¿Cómo permite usted que ese Cojo miserable ande por ahí insultando a las damas? Me lo agarra, le quita la bocina y lo encierra en un calabozo.

Dicho y hecho. Un par de horas después el Cojo estaba tras las rejas de un calabozo de la estación de policía de la calle Dragones.

Una semana más tarde Martha se disponía a entrar otra vez en El Encanto y el Cojo, esa vez en forma más rimbombante, volvió a anunciar su presencia. Esa noche, la escena entre Batista y Martha fue de argolla. Lloraba ella de indignación, y el mandatario, molestísimo, dispuso la presencia inmediata del general Benítez en Palacio.

El cuadro, contado en detalles a Luis Ortega por el mismo jefe de la Policía, es indescriptible. Batista estuvo a punto de destituirlo.
—¡Yo le ordené a usted que metiera preso al Cojo…!

Benítez, parado en posición de firme, no entendía ni jota de lo que pasaba. Había cumplido la orden. En verdad, tenía al Cojo preso, pero Batista volvía con su andanada.

—¡Otra vez el Cojo se metió con Martica! ¡Algo intolerable! ¿Qué clase de jefe de Policía es usted?

Benítez salió desconcertado de Palacio. Ya en la Jefatura, movilizó a todas las fuerzas bajo su mando. Ordenó que localizaran al Cojo; al otro Cojo, porque al primero lo tenía entre rejas.

El general Manuel Benítez los agarró a todos, los reunió en su despacho y les dijo lo que tenían que hacer: debían guardar sus bocinas cada vez que vieran aparecer a la querida del Presidente y tragarse cualquier anuncio o comentario.

Después que Batista abandonó la Presidencia de la República, el 10 de octubre de 1944, se divorció de Elisa Godínez y se vio obligado a partir con ella, mitad por mitad, su fortuna, calculada entonces en 22 millones de pesos.

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Contrajo matrimonio de inmediato con Martha Fernández. Podía ella, como esposa legítima, acompañar a Batista a plena luz del día, lo que no pudo hacer hasta entonces. Pero estaba desconsolada. Se había quedado con las ganas de ser Primera Dama de la nación.


Batista married Elisa Godínez y Gómez (1900–1993) on July 10, 1926. They had three children: Mirta Caridad (1927–2010), Elisa Aleida (born 1933), and Fulgencio Rubén Batista Godínez (1933–2007). By all accounts, she was devoted to him and their children throughout their marriage, and their daughter remembered them as a “happy, young couple” until their sudden divorce. Much to her surprise, he divorced her in October 1945 against her will in order to marry his longtime mistress Marta Fernandez Miranda.

In 1935, he fathered an illegitimate daughter, Fermina Lázara Batista Estévez, whom he supported financially. Biographers suggest that Batista may have fathered several more children out of wedlock.

He married Marta Fernández Miranda (1923–2006) on November 28, 1945, shortly after his divorce became final, and they had five children: Jorge Luis (born 1942), Roberto Francisco (born 1947), Carlos Manuel (1950–1969), Fulgencio José (born 1953) and Marta María Batista Fernández (born 1957).

Con su zumbante ironía escribe el periodista Luis Ortega en sus memorias que Batista dio el golpe de Estado de 10 de marzo de 1952 para que ella pudiera serlo de veras.



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As a summary for the new generations of Cubans who know little about life before the 1959 Revolution, as it was written by the new government in its own way, we want to refer today to the former Cuban president and former dictator Fulgencio Batista y Zaldívar, his personal existence and part of his extensive sentimental life.

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Rubén Batista (born January 16, 1901) was a Cuban military officer and politician who served as Cuba’s president-elect from 1940 to 1944 and as its US-backed military dictator from 1952 to 1959 when he was overthrown by the Cuban Revolution. 1959.


Batista was an inveterate womanizer who had numerous extramarital affairs throughout his first marriage. He cheated on his first wife with several women and his children eventually found out about his relationship. His first wife, who supported her husband throughout her political career and found her infidelities humiliating, never considered divorce and tolerated her multiple affairs. However, Batista fell in love with the much younger Marta Fernández Miranda, who became his mistress for a long time. He filed for divorce shortly before his first grandchild was born. His first wife and his children were stunned and devastated by the divorce.

During the first government of Batista (1940-1944), there were two first ladies in Cuba. One, Elisa Godínez, lived in the Palace in broad daylight. Batista met her when she was still a soldier who stood guard at the gate of the estate of President Alfredo Zayas, and she was a wajay laundress. The other, secret, exercised the functions of mistress of the president. She was called Martha Fernández Miranda, a very humble girl from Buenavista, in Marianao, beautiful, whose age Batista restlessly doubled and whose exact way she came to be in the President’s entourage is unknown.

She writes in her memoir that having a lover “was normal at the time. The first thing a Cuban casually did was have a mistress. Especially the politicians, the military and the professionals of some hierarchy. To have a mistress or two was to enter the golden book of the secret society. We all committed that sin at some point if what was basically a punishment can be called a sin.


General Manuel Benítez, head of the National Police in the first Batista government, told the journalist Luis Ortega that one afternoon Martha was about to enter El Encanto, the elegant Havana store, when suddenly a Havana character appeared who He kept announcing with a loudspeaker before different places a mention of this place to get some kind of monetary help, he was known as “the Lame Man with the Horn”, with his wooden leg, the crutch and his horn and, without thinking twice , scream:
—The illustrious lady Martha Fernández Miranda, the much-loved, respected and kind lady who is the pride of our society, is about to enter the exclusive Galiano establishment on the corner of San Rafael.

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In a normal situation, Martha would have felt very proud that the Cripple highlighted her presence, but she was not a public figure then, but a secret, although everyone knew her and honored her. El Cojo’s cries of her, exposing her, embarrassed her and she went into the store like an arrow.

That night, in private, Luis Ortega continues, he put up a fight with Batista. And Batista, the next morning, called General Manuel Benítez to the Palace. In a very bad mood, he told her:
“How do you allow that miserable Cripple to go around insulting the ladies?” He grabs him from me, takes his speaker off and locks him in a dungeon.

Said and done. A couple of hours later El Cojo was behind bars in a dungeon at the Dragones Street police station.

A week later, Martha was about to enter El Encanto again, and El Cojo, this time in a more bombastic manner, again announced her presence. That night, the scene between Batista and Martha was a ring. She wept with indignation, and the president, extremely annoyed, ordered the immediate presence of General Benítez in the Palace.

The picture, recounted in detail to Luis Ortega by the Police Chief himself, is indescribable. Batista was about to dismiss him.
“I ordered you to put El Cojo prisoner…!”

Benítez, standing at attention, did not understand a iota of what was happening. He had carried out the order. In truth, he had El Cojo prisoner, but Batista returned with his volley.

“El Cojo messed with Martica again!” Something intolerable! What kind of police chief are you?

Benítez left the Palace bewildered. Once in the Headquarters, he mobilized all the forces under his command. He ordered that the Cripple be located; the other Cojo, because he had the first behind bars.

General Manuel Benítez grabbed them all, gathered them in his office and told them what they had to do: they had to put their speakers away every time they saw the President’s mistress appear and swallow any announcement or comment.

After Batista left the Presidency of the Republic, on October 10, 1944, he divorced Elisa Godínez and was forced to part with her, half for half, her fortune, then calculated at 22 million pesos.

He immediately married Martha Fernández. She, as a legitimate wife, could accompany Batista in broad daylight, which he had not been able to do until then. But she was heartbroken. She had been left with the desire to be First Lady of the nation.


Batista married Elisa Godínez y Gómez (1900–1993) on July 10, 1926. They had three children: Mirta Caridad (1927–2010), Elisa Aleida (born 1933), and Fulgencio Rubén Batista Godínez (1933–2007). By all accounts, she was devoted to him and their children throughout their marriage, and their daughter de remembered them as a “happy, young couple” until their sudden divorce. Much to her surprise, he divorced her in October 1945 against her will in order to marry his longtime mistress Marta Fernandez Miranda.

Elisa Godinez, First Marriage

Elisa Godinez, First Marriage

Martha Fernandez, Second Marriage

Martha Fernandez, Second Marriage

In 1935, he fathered an illegitimate daughter, Fermina Lázara Batista Estévez, whom he supported financially. Biographers suggest that Batista may have fathered several more children out of wedlock.

He married Marta Fernández Miranda (1923–2006) on November 28, 1945, shortly after his divorce became final, and they had five children: Jorge Luis (born 1942), Roberto Francisco (born 1947), Carlos Manuel (1950–1969) , Fulgencio José (born 1953) and Marta María Batista Fernández (born 1957).

With his buzzing irony, the journalist Luis Ortega writes in his memoirs that Batista led the coup d’état on March 10, 1952, so that she could truly be one.

Agencies. Wiki. Ciro Bianchi. CubanHistory. Extractos. Excerpts. Internet Photos. Arnoldo Varona.



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