Entertainers and Artists< GABRIEL HERNANDEZ, Distinguished Cuban Jazz Pianist. VIDEOS.


Gabriel Hernández Cadena nació en Camaguey, Cuba un 17 de Julio de 1964 y es un afamado pianista que ha participado en varios festivales Internacionales de Jazz.

Comenzó sus estudios a los 7 años, en el conservatorio “Luis Casas Romero” en Camagüey, Cuba. A los 15 años termina su carrera pianística y teórica. A esa edad recibe el premio EGREM, a la mejor orquestación musical del disco anual. Se sumerge en los reconocidos festivales de jazz plaza que se realizan anualmente en la Habana Cuba, y así llega a formar parte de la banda de Leon Thomas y Dizzy Gillespie.

Se presentó en festivales internacionales de jazz como: Montreaux, Montreal, Jamboree Polonia, Jazz Danubio (Bratista-Checoslovaquia), Londres Jazz Fest, Heverkusen (Colonia-Munich-Alemania), Milky Wey (Amsterdam-Holanda), Jazz Rue, Ciamuferon (Francia), Jazz Fest Ottawa, Toronto, Becomo (Canadá), así como conciertos en Budapest, Madrid, Islas Guadalupe, Martinica, Moscú, entre otros.

Festival Jazz Plaza

Ha participado en los festivales anuales como el “Jazz Plaza” en la La Habana, Cuba y en él participó al lado de León Thomas y Dizzy Gillespie, entre otros destacados grupos. Asimismo, ha compartido el escenario con Roy Hargrove, James Carter, Chucho Valdez, Tito Puente, entre otros.

Cabe destacar su reciente album “Mr. Many Moons”, realizado con grandes figuras tales como Bob Sheppard, Francisco Mela, Iván Renta, Jason Palmer, Ken Basman y Agustín Bernal. Actualmente participa en la afamada orquesta “Afro-cuban All Stars”, dirigida por Juan De Marcos González, impulsor de “Buenavista Social Club”.


En 1985 la Unión de Escritores y artistas Cubanos (UNEAC), le otorgó la máxima condecoración y fue inscripto en el libro de grandes personalidades de la música y el arte cubano.

Es miembro del jurado y comisión nacional de evaluación del instituto nacional de la música, en La Habana junto a Chucho Valdez, Gonzalo Rubalcaba y Orlando Vistel.

A tocado con músicos como Roy Hargrove, Jean Carter, Chucho Valdez, Tito Puente, Fine Wine Trio, entre varios.



Gabriel Hernández Cadena was born in Camaguey, Cuba on July 17, 1964, and is a famous pianist who has participated in several International Jazz festivals.

He began his studies at age 7, at the “Luis Casas Romero” conservatory in Camagüey, Cuba. At the age of 15 he finished his piano and theoretical career. At that age, he receives the EGREM prize, for the best musical orchestration of the annual album. He immersed himself in the renowned jazz square festivals that take place annually in Havana Cuba, and thus he becomes part of the band of Leon Thomas and Dizzy Gillespie.

He performed at international jazz festivals such as: Montreaux, Montreal, Jamboree Poland, Jazz Danube (Bratista-Czechoslovakia), London Jazz Fest, Heverkusen (Cologne-Munich-Germany), Milky Wey (Amsterdam-Holland), Jazz Rue, Ciamuferon ( France), Jazz Fest Ottawa, Toronto, Becomo (Canada), as well as concerts in Budapest, Madrid, Guadalupe Islands, Martinique, Moscow, among others.

Jazz Plaza Festival

He has participated in the annual festivals as the “Jazz Plaza” in Havana, Cuba and he participated alongside León Thomas and Dizzy Gillespie, among other outstanding groups. He has also shared the stage with Roy Hargrove, James Carter, Chucho Valdez, Tito Puente, among others.

Noteworthy is his recent album “Mr. Many Moons “, made with great figures such as Bob Sheppard, Francisco Mela, Iván Renta, Jason Palmer, Ken Basman and Agustín Bernal. Currently, he participates in the famous orchestra “Afro-cuban All Stars”, directed by Juan De Marcos González, promoter of “Buenavista Social Club”.



In 1985 the Union of Cuban Writers and Artists (UNEAC), awarded him the highest honor and was inscribed in the book of great personalities of Cuban music and art.

He is a member of the jury and national evaluation commission of the National Institute of Music, in Havana with Chucho Valdez, Gonzalo Rubalcaba, and Orlando Vistel.

He played with musicians such as Roy Hargrove, Jean Carter, Chucho Valdez, Tito Puente, Fine Wine Trio, among others.

Agencies/ Ecured/ Internet Photos/ YouTube/ Arnoldo Varona/ www.TheCubanHistory.com



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