Entertainers and Artists< "LINA DE CUBA", Singer, Composer, Band Leader. VIDEOS.


Lina de Cuba, nacida en la Habana es una cantante profesional cubana radicada hace 16 años en Bogotá Colombia, y la cual ha tratado de rescatar y enriquecer con su voz temperamental boleros feeling, guarachas, chachachas, música campesina cubana y Sones tradicionales de su tierra.

En Colombia, conformó el grupo musical “Lina de Cuba y su guajira son” el cual trata de rescatar la música campesina (guajiras) y el son tradicional cubano en toda sus dimensiones, cosechando grandes éxitos en toda Colombia.

Es conocida en el medio artístico y entre sus amigos, como “la voz de terciopelo”, por lo suave y a la vez temperamental de su voz.

Ha recalcado con el nombre de su grupo su origen, para no olvidar nunca por lejos que se encuentre, es cubana de sepa entera.

Ayer, Hoy, Siempre- www.THE CUBANHISTORY.COM-Yesterdays, Today, Always.

Ayer, Hoy, Siempre- www.THE CUBANHISTORY.COM-Yesterdays, Today, Always.

LINA DE CUBA, SINGER, COMPOSER, BAND LEADER2564_1111320416037_2253005_a

Lina de Cuba, born in Havana is a Cuban professional singer for 16 years based in Bogota Colombia, and which has sought to rescue and enrich his voice boleros temperamental feeling, guarachas , chachachas , Cuban country music, and traditional Sones their land.

In Colombia, formed the band ” Lina de Cuba and Guajira are” which tries to rescue the country music ( Guajira ) and traditional Cuban son in all its dimensions, achieving great success throughout Colombia.

It is known in the art world and among friends, as ” velvet voice”, so gentle yet temperamental in his voice ”

It emphasized with their group name originated, not by far never forget that you are, you know Cuban whole.

Agencies/ YouTube/ LinaDeCuba,Bogota/ Internet Photos/ Arnoldo Varona/ www.thecubanhistory.com


Ayer, Hoy, Siempre- www.THE CUBANHISTORY.COM-Yesterdays, Today, Always.

Ayer, Hoy, Siempre- www.THE CUBANHISTORY.COM-Yesterdays, Today, Always.

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