COCINA CUBANA: “Fricassé de Pollo A Lo Cubano”. VIDEOS / PHOTOS.


El fricasé es un clásico de la cocina francesa pero tambien es un favorito cubano. Solo podemos suponer que la influencia francesa trajo este plato a Cuba, muy probablemente a través de Haití. En la década de 1800, muchos refugiados franceses de la revolución haitiana llegaron a Santiago de Cuba y Baracoa desde Haití. Muchas de estas personas llegaron a poseer grandes plantaciones de café en Cuba.

La influencia cubana en este plato es evidente en el uso de jugo de naranja agria y mucho ajo. Otra cosa que hace que este platillo sea único, es que le quitas la piel al pollo antes de cocinarlo en un estilo cubano muy tradicional.


pollo ( 5 lbs )
1 ají pimiento maduro
1 cebolla grande
1/3 taza de aceite de Oliva extra virgen
1 cucharada de sal
1 cucharadita de azúcar
1/4 cucharadita de pimienta negra molida
2 cucharadas de pasitas rubias( raisins )
2 hojas de laurel
1 latica de salsa de tomate (8 onzas)
1 naranja agria
2 cucharadas de alcaparra (capers)
12 aceitunas
1 taza de vino blanco
4 dientes de ajo
2 papas ( 1 libra )

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Use un tazón grande no metálico y mezcle el jugo de naranja agria, el ajo, la sal y la pimienta.

Agregue los trozos de pollo sin piel a la marinada, cubra y refrigere un mínimo de 4 horas, pero preferiblemente durante la noche.

Retire el pollo de la marinada y séquelo con toallas de papel. Reserva la marinada.

Use una sartén grande tapada. Salpimentar los trozos de pollo y espolvorear ligeramente con harina. Caliente el aceite de oliva en la sartén hasta que empiece a humear.

Rápidamente (y con cuidado) agregue los trozos de pollo al aceite caliente, dorando por ambos lados, solo un minuto o 2 por lado. Haga esto en dos lotes pequeños. Retire el pollo y reservar.

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Saltee los cubos de papa en el mismo aceite caliente hasta que estén ligeramente dorados por todos lados. Retire las papas y reserve.

Sofría las cebollas y el pimiento verde hasta que estén blandas. Regrese el pollo a la sartén. Agregue la marinada reservada, la salsa de tomate, el vino, las aceitunas, las pasas y las papas doradas.

Tape, reduzca el fuego a bajo y cocine a fuego lento hasta que el pollo esté cocido entre 20 y 30 minutos. No lo cocines demasiado. Sirve los trozos de pollo sobre arroz blanco con abundante salsa.

Que les Aproveche!


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The fricassee is a classic of French cooking. It is also a Cuban favorite. We can only guess that the French influence brought this dish to Cuba, most likely through Haiti. In the 1800s, many French refugees of the Haitian revolution arrived in Santiago de Cuba and Baracoa from Haiti. Many of these people went on to own large coffee plantations in Cuba.

The Cuban influence on this dish is apparent in the use of sour orange juice and lots of garlic. Another thing that makes this dish unique, you remove the skin from the chicken before cooking in a very traditional Cuban style.

This recipe has been passed down from my father to me. I remember coming home from school and smelling the aromas before I would even open the door. It’s something about Cuban food…I could always tell what was in the pot, en el horno. Sofrito…etc. Cooking has been a passion of mine since easy bake ovens, and microwaveable mug cakes. I was mesmerized. It was a form of art. Cultural expression…I told myself, one day I’m going to make this just like Papi! Fast forward to now- not only have I become a beast in the kitchen; I’m endorsed by my Tias in Cuba.


1 chicken (5lbs)
1 red bell pepper
1 large onion
1/3 cup of extra virgin olive oil
1 tsp of salt
1 tsp of sugar
1/4 tsp of cracked black pepper
2 tbsp of golden raisins
2 bay leaves
1 can of tomato sauce (8 oz)
1 sour orange
2 tbsp of capers
12 olives
1 cup of white wine
4 cloves of garlic
2 potatoes (approx 1 lb)

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Use a large non-metallic bowl and whisk together the sour orange juice, garlic, salt, and pepper.

Add the skinless chicken pieces to the marinade, cover, and refrigerate a minimum of 4 hours, but preferably overnight.

Remove the chicken from the marinade and blot on paper towels. Reserve marinade.

Use a large covered frying pan. Salt and pepper the chicken pieces and lightly dust with flour. Heat the olive oil in the pan until it just starts to smoke.

Quickly, (and carefully) add the chicken pieces to the hot oil, browning on both sides, just a minute or 2 per side. Do this in two small batches. Remove chicken and set aside.

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Sauté the potato cubes in the same hot oil until lightly browned on all sides. Remove potatoes and set aside.

Sauté the onions and green pepper until limp. Return the chicken to the pan. Add the reserved marinade, tomato sauce, wine, olives, raisins, and browned potatoes.

Cover, reduce heat to low and simmer until the chicken is done about 20 to 30 minutes. Don’t overcook it. Serve the chicken pieces over white rice with plenty of sauce.

Good Appetite!

Agencies/ Wiki/ ThreeGuysfrom Miami/ Extractos/ Excerpts/ YouTube/ Arnoldo Varona/


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