History of the image placed in Rome of the “Caridad del Cobre Virgin”.


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Image of the Virgin of Charity, placed Thursday in the Vatican Gardens.

The image of the Virgin of Charity, whose replica was enthroned on Thursday in the Vatican Gardens, holds a very special meaning.

At a ceremony held this morning, an image of Cuba’s patron saint was placed in the near-zone Bell Jubilee, attended by about 60 people, including 10 Cuban bishops. During the ceremony a prayer and Cardinal Bertone Tascisio, former Secretary of the Vatican State, spoke to those present prayed.

The original image, made of cast bronze and is currently near the Sanctuary of El Cobre, has a very significant history and full of faith. For years it had been since the early 50s in a small chapel next to the Bay of Nipe, on the beach in Los Morales, as a remembrance of the place where it was found in 1612 the original image of the Virgin of Charity.

In 1961, according to well-established accounts, as consequences of hatred for the faith and efforts of the Marxist regime to wrest God Heart Cuban, this special place of devotion was completely destroyed and the image of the Virgin presiding as from that time gave missing. But we know that his disappearance did not happen by magic.

ruta-virgen-2-580x388 The Key of the Virgin, located in Playa Morales, inside the Bay of Nipe.

It was in 1975 that a neighbor of Lebanese origin, resident of the nearby town of Cueto, discovers buried in the sand and with great faith and respect takes her to his home. There the holy image was the subject of popular devotion until, when the family decided to emigrate to the United States, the delivery in the hands of parish priest Monsignor Hector Luis Peña, hence the Archbishop of Santiago de Cuba, Monsignor Pedro Meurice, who placed in the Meeting House of the Sanctuary of El Cobre.

During the visit of Pope Benedict XVI to Cuba, the beautiful image was in his private chapel.

It is a replica of this symbolic image that today was enthroned in the Vatican Gardens in the middle of a revival of faith in Cuba, reminding us how vain were the efforts to bury the communist regime and do away with the faith of a people.

CaféFuerte / Rumín Juan Dominguez / Internetphoto / www.thecubanhistory.com
The Cuban History, Hollywood.
Arnoldo Varona, Editor

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