Cuba in the U.S. Political ScenePRODUCTS CUBANS Can Export to the U.S. ** PRODUCTOS QUE PODRÁN Exportar los Cubanos a EEUU.

United States considerably eased restrictions on imports of goods and services of Cuban private companies, as part of a rapprochement with Cuba after more than half a century of enmity.


The US State Department said that imports of such goods and services are now permitted, except in certain categories, including weapons, live animals, snuff, vehicles, mineral products, machinery and some textiles and basic metals.

“The government has made it clear that change the direction of US policy to allow the flourishing private sector Cuba,” said Pedro Freyre, president of the law firm Akerman LLP. “Of course there are two sides to this. We are still waiting to see what will Cuba, “he added.

According to Cuban law, private entrepreneurs can not independently import goods or export goods or services without a license from the government.

However, artists are allowed to sell their works to foreigners and there is also a cooperative of exotic birds that obtained a license in 2013.

Washington measures are the latest step after bilateral December 17 announcement about the start of a process to relaunch diplomatic relations broken for over half a century.

US President Barack Obama also urged an end to the economic embargo imposed 54 years his former enemy of the Cold War.

“These measures will help to independent Cuban entrepreneurs to access information and resources they need to improve their standard of living and achieve greater economic independence of the state,” he later said a note from the State Department.


After 18 months of talks in secret, Obama and his Cuban counterpart Raul Castro spoke by phone and defined an exchange of prisoners, the reopening of embassies in the capitals of both countries and greater flexibility of some US restrictions on trade issues .

And although there are not many details about what exactly would import the private entrepreneurs, the service area may include consulting for US companies interested in settling on the island, as well as independent lawyers, economists, graphic designers and programmers to software, among others.

Phil Peters, an expert on Cuba at the Lexington Institute in Virginia, USA, said that these changes are another example of how to place the ball in the field of Cuba to see how they react to the opening in the private sector.

“This is the right way to go. Establishes a bilateral trade which is the principle of trade relations normalized, “Peters said.

“It’s very important that it has broken the barrier. Let’s see how the Cuban government reacts, “he added.

The Cuban History, Hollywood.
Arnoldo Varona, Editor.



Recientemente el gobierno de Estados Unidos autorizo la importación desde Cuba de productos que sean elaborados por empresarios independientes con licencia para trabajar pero no en organismos estatales. La medida forma parte del plan de Obama de flexibilizar el intercambio con Cuba con tal de restablecer las relaciones con la isla y a la vez fortalecer a los pequeños empresarios privados que florecen en Cuba.

“Las medidas también permitirán la participación de compañías estadounidenses relacionadas con la internet y las telecomunicaciones para apoyar mejores comunicaciones y acceso a la información por el pueblo cubano” dijo un comunicado de prensa del Departamento de Comercio de Estados Unidos.


Las mercancías cuya importación está autorizado por la Sección 515.582 son bienes producidos por empresarios independientes cubanos, que puedan ser demostrados con documentos, que se importan a los Estados Unidos directamente desde Cuba, con excepción de los bienes especificados en las siguientes secciones / capítulos de la Lista Arancelaria Armonizada de los Estados Unidos (HTS):

– Sección I: Animales vivos, productos animales.

– Sección II: Productos vegetales.

– Sección III: Grasas animal o vegetal y aceites y sus productos relacionados; grasas alimenticias elaboradas; ceras animales o vegetales.

– Sección IV: alimentos procesados, bebidas, licores y vinagre. Además de tabaco y substitutos manufacturados del tabaco.

– Sección V: Productos minerales

– Sección VI: Productos de industrias químicas

– Sección XI: Textiles y artículos textiles

– Sección XV: Metales básicos y artículos de metales básicos

– Sección XVI: Maquinaria y equipos mecánicos, equipos eléctricos, repuestos, reproductores y grabadores de sonido, reproductores de televisión e imágenes, repuestos y accesorios de estos artículos

– Sección XVII: Vehículos, Aviones, Naves y equipos asociados de transporte

– Sección XIX: Armas y municiones, con sus partes y accesorios.

The Cuban History, Hollywood.
Arnoldo Varona, Editor. Comments
