– CUBAN CUISINE: ‘IMPERIAL RICE” recipe. INSTRUCTIONS. + COCINA CUBANA: Receta para hacer “ARROZ IMPERIAL” Cubano. Instrucciones.

“Arroz Imperial” (Imperial rice) is my go to comfort food. It is composed of layers of rice, mayonnaise, shredded chicken or beef, ham, and cheese. The preparation process is lengthy but definitely worth it. Whenever I make it I try to invite a few people over since I make a lot of it because is very easy to go overboard with the portions.


It is definitely not the typical Arroz con Pollo (chicken and rice) but a delicious rice, chicken, and ham bake. This recipe calls for two of my favorite things to eat, one is cheese and the other one is red bell pepper. I can eat one whole red bell or even two at a time (raw, grilled, etc…).

I’m obsessed with cheese so I always put a little extra on anything that calls for it. Remember when cheese is involved there is no way you can go wrong when adding tons of it. I know adding mayonnaise to rice is a bit strange, but mayo helps the rice stay nice and moist during the baking time. I accompany with a cucumber salad (just cucumbers with vinegar and salt) and fried sweet plantains.

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· 3 lbs. chicken breast
· 1 cup medium onion, chopped and divided into two ½ cups.
· 1 red bell pepper, chopped
· 4 large garlic cloves, minced
· 2 tbsp. cooking wine
· 5 cups long grain rice
· 1 cup mayonnaise
· 2 cups shredded cheese(as preferred, I use mild Cheddar)
· 1 8oz can tomato sauce
· salt & pepper, to taste
· 1 tbsp. cumin
· 1 tbsp. oregano
· 1 bay leaf
· About 3-4 tbsps. Extra Virgin Olive Oil
· pimento peppers, for garnish
· 2 cups of Hickory smoked ham (processed in a food processor so is very fine)
· 1 1/2 tbsps. Turmeric



Wash chicken and place in a heavy pot with enough water to cover the chicken. Add ½ cup onion and 2 cloves garlic, coarsely chopped. Add salt and pepper to taste. Bring to a boil, then simmer uncovered until the meat starts to fall apart.
Remove the chicken and reserve the broth to cook the rice with. After chicken has cooled, shred the chicken using a fork. Set aside.

Make the “Sofrito” by first setting the heat on medium, pour in enough olive oil to cover the bottom of your saucepan and add the chopped green peppers first. Sauté for about 5 minutes and then add the rest of the onions. Continue to sauté for another 5 minutes then add salt, pepper, cumin, oregano, bay leaf and garlic. Sauté an additional 2-3 minutes, making sure not to burn the garlic. Your onions should be transparent. Raise your stove top temperature to high and immediately add your cooking wine and tomato sauce cook for about 1 minute.


Add the chicken to the Sofrito mixture and cook on high for about 2 minutes. Set aside the chicken mixture.

Cook the rice either in a rice cooker or a heavy pot. First wash the rice and drain the dirty water. Then add 5 cups of the chicken broth you had set aside to the rice, stir. Add the Turmeric until rice is a nice yellow color. Bring rice to a boil, then cover and reduce to a simmer for about 20 minutes, until the rice is cooked.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

In a 13×9 foil pan, start by spreading one medium layer of rice across followed by a layer of evenly spread mayonnaise and a layer of the 2 cups of ham. Then repeat another layer of rice, mayonnaise and add a layer of the chicken that was set aside. Top it off by adding another layer of rice followed by a layer of the cheese.

Bake for 15-20 minutes. The cheese should be melted.
Garnish the completed dish with strips of pimento.

Bon Appetit !

Agencies/Cuban Sazon/ Hunt/ Cocina Cubana/ Internet Photos/ Arnoldo Varona/ thecubanhistory.com





“Arroz Imperial ” se compone de capas de arroz , mayonesa , pollo o carne rallado , jamón , queso y . El proceso de preparación es largo , pero definitivamente vale la pena.

Tiempo de preparación: 35 minutos
Tiempo de cocción: 1 hora 35 minutos
Tiempo total: 2 horas 10 minutos
Rendimiento: 8-10 porciones

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Arroz Imperial, un delicioso plato de pollo y arroz con un toque único – una infusión de queso y una tapa de queso fundido pegajosa.


3 libras de muslos de pollo, con piel
3 cucharadas de aceite de oliva
4 tiras de tocino, cortado en rodajas
1 1/2 cebolla blanca, finamente picada
2 tazas de pimiento verde sin semillas y picados
3 cebollas verdes, limpios y picados
1 cucharadita de orégano
5 dientes de ajo, picados
3 onzas de salsa de tomate
jerez seco 1 cucharada
1/2 taza de guisantes congelados verdes
1 limón medio (sólo el jugo)
sal y pimienta para probar



Lavar el pollo y ponerlo en una cazuela de ocho cuartos común. Añadir aproximadamente seis tazas de agua para cubrir la totalidad de la carne. Llevar a ebullición, reduzca el fuego a bajo y cocine a fuego lento, sin tapar, hasta que la carne esté tierna y cae desde la médula – aproximadamente 45 minutos a 1 hora. Retire el pollo y mantener el caldo. (Que va a utilizar algunos de caldo para hacer el arroz.) Reduzca el exceso de grasa del caldo!

Cuando se enfría por completo, la piel y parta el pollo en trozos pequeños con la mano. (Dele los desechos al perro o póngalo en recipiente apropiado.)



Salar el tocino brevemente en una sartén grande. Escurrir la mayoría (pero no todos) del exceso de grasa. Puede borrar para arriba con una toalla de papel. Añadir un poco de aceite de oliva y el calor. Añadir la cebolla, el pimiento verde, el orégano y la cebolla verde. Saltee hasta que la cebolla esté transparente.

Añadir el ajo y sofría por un minuto más, revolviendo ocasionalmente.

Añadir la salsa de tomate, pollo, y el jerez. Llevar a ebullición, reduzca el fuego a bajo y cocine a fuego lento (no cubierto) aproximadamente 15 minutos para espesar la salsa. Añadir los guisantes y el jugo de limón durante los últimos cinco minutos de cocción.

Sal y pimienta para probar. ¡PRUEBALO!

Disfrutelo !

Agencies/ Three Guys from Miami/ Internet Photos/ Arnoldo Varona/ TheCubanHistory.com

Anochecer en Varadero, Cuba. (Cuba en Fotos).

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