More than 2,600 tons of mango were lost in Cuba’s eastern province of Guantánamo because of processing difficulties due to breakdowns in processing plants and a lack of packaging, official media reported.
The figure, collected in the newspaper Venceremos and the digital portal Cubadebate, is part of the 6,794 tons of fruit contracted for the current harvest season, the fruit specialist in the provincial Delegation of Agriculture, Ramón Sánchez, told the Guantanamo press.
Tank breakages and lack of cans in the province’s canneries are among the main causes, Sánchez said.
In addition, considered it “unlikely” that one of the most modern factories in that area, San Antonio del Sur, achieve the objectives set for this campaign “by the repeated industrial stops and the soon exhaustion of packaging.”
“The situation is not new, it repeats every year and demands from those in charge greater foresight and preparation to face crops, to meet the contracts with producers, that the fruit is not lost and the people receive fresh or processed a high demand item And food need, “the report added.
Cuba spends about 2,000 million dollars a year on importing food and the problems of its agri-food industry are a constant, especially the loss of agricultural crops due to lack of means to process them.
The matter was discussed last week at the first of two annual meetings held by the National Assembly (unicameral Parliament).
During the pre-plenary commissions, Cuban Minister of the Food Industry, María del Carmen Concepción, announced that her department has made several investments to “offer greater supply to the population of quality products,” according to official sources.
At the same meeting, Deputy Minister of Industry Eloy Álvarez Martínez admitted that there is a deficit of these productions whose demand has grown by 332% in the last two years and explained that “of the more than 57 million units planned, alone Was able to back up a little more than 25 million “.
Note: They do not understand that it is a system exhausted and that a total change is necessary (AV).
Agencies/EFE/ Internet Photos/Arnoldo Varona-(AV)/